San Ten Chan the italian YouTuber


Hello dearest friends I'm your good San Ten Chan. For over eight years now, upload videos to my YouTube channel to share my thoughts with all of you. I am now also a passionate podcasters and spreakers in Spreaker and I publish photos and videos on Instagram. Thanks for continuing to follow, I am pure present on your Twitter. Be attentive to the interest of your interest, if you have a video or radio program, suggest: I accept every suggestion. cordially, San Ten Chan President, Principal Conductor, Movie Maker, lead actor, conductor, president, CEO and chief operating officer to the San Ten Chan Youtube channel

Vijutube Amaral


Sejam muito bem-vindos ao nosso canal!! Bju bju da Juju!! 💋💋 Vitor e Júlia Amaral são dois irmãos que adoram fazer coisas juntos, sempre se apoiando sem deixar a diversão de lado. Tanto um quanto o outro foram diagnosticados com perda auditiva bilateral e fazem uso de aparelhos auditivos para aumentar sua qualidade de vida. Além dos vídeos de suas brincadeiras e dia a dia, um grande desafio que colocamos para este ano de 2023 é o de começar a aprender Libras, pois mesmo que eles sejam ouvintes, gostaríamos que ampliassem seu grau de comunicação. Os pais, Carolina e Celso montaram o canal ViJutubeAmaral a pedido deles, para registrar esses e muitos outros momentos e compartilhar com os demais. SE INSCREVA JÁ NO CANAL!!



his channel is dedicated to educational purposes for teaching, scholarship and research, particularly science and history. All videos on this channel are organized to facilitate easy searches and research. Every effort is made to provide the best quality videos available, usually restored & presented in 720p or higher HD resolution. Insightful and constructive comments encouraged. Panty-wad & pointless comments will be deleted. Trolls will be banned. Happy viewing!



Im Shaun Kelly. I am an obsessed DIYer, Woodworker, real estate investor, and content creator. I am not a professional or have any training, so I just pick the project I want to tackle and figure it out step by step. I picked up my first project at ASU where I built a wooden full length beer pong table out on the back balcony. I couldn\'t afford to buy a plastic table, so I decided to try my hand at making one instead. I was hooked after my first project so I just never stopped. I sold that beer pong table and immediately made another one that was much better, then moved on to home remodeling, welding, and so much more. My degree is in Marketing with emphasis on content creation, so I have been working on recording most of the projects which combines both my interest in videography, as well as woodworking and remodeling. I am a participant in the Amazon Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.