Christian Thought in our World


Welcome to our YouTube Channel. Our host is Deacon Erick Ramirez along with panelists Deacon James Aleman and Johnny Navarro. We are members of Acts Reformed Church in West Covina, California. Christian Thought in our World is a webcast that discusses theology, apologetics, politics and modern culture from a biblical worldview. We will also be including Sunday School classes at Acts Reformed Church taught by Deacon Erick Ramirez. The classes taught by Deacon James and Johnny will be posted on their YouTube Channels linked to on this page. Our prayer is to build a community to discuss these burning issues. So feel free to participate by giving your feedback in the comments section or on Twitter linked on this page.

Knoxville Christian Center - Sermons


Knoxville Christian Center is an Assemblies of God church, located in West Knoxville. Dr. Barry Culberson is the founder and Senior Pastor of Knoxville Christian Center. He is passionate about reaching the community for Christ and strongly believes in prayer and fasting. He is committed to teaching Christians how to walk in victory and develop a successful prayer life. All of the ministries at the Knoxville Christian Center have a common objective – to reach the lost with the Gospel. This is our heart. This is our calling. The combined efforts of all our outreach ministries continue to produce a great harvest of souls. We invite you to join arms with us as we “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation.”