JOIN OUR CONGREGATION AND THE MOVEMENT TO RECLAIM AMERICA! Worldwide Whites only yet open & transparent for all to see. No hate, no violence, no idiots. Our goals... 1st: Remove the "Root Problem" / "Head of the Snake" that have gotten The West here in the first place. 2nd: Get Africans back to Africa where they can thrive and accomplish without any obstacles holding them back. 3rd: Demand without compromise everyone else who doesn't belong return to hence they came to better their own Homeland. Simple, right? LOVE, PEACE, AND SEPARATION.

Stony Kalango Ministries


Whenever Stony takes up a microphone, he has one message – Jesus is the answer, and He is all you need. Stony is an author, conference speaker, singer, and minister of the gospel. Stony Kalango Ministries is an evangelistic ministry committed to spreading the fame of King Jesus across the earth. Stony had the call of God on his life at a very young age, and preached his first sermon at the age of eight. He started practical ministry by preaching with a hand megaphone on streets early in the mornings with his parents. God's hand has been on his life ever since. He held his first gospel crusade at age sixteen. In his free time, he loves to listen to music, read books and watch soccer which he calls football. He is passionate about causes like supporting persecuted Christians around the world. He currently resides in Oklahoma City and calls Revive church his home church. Subscribe to this channel to receive daily inspirational video devotions, bible studies, and sermons from the ministry

The Digital Content Ministry


This Channel Ministry is purposed to produce digital content that declares to the unsaved world, the message of salvation in Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ), through repentance and faith; and to illuminate the depravity in man, that reveals our need for salvation. Our purpose is to produce Video content that teaches the good news of The Kingdom of God; and that cultivates the culture of God's kingdom, in righteousness, through faith. This ministry also produces digital content, that will illuminate the love and the grace of God revealed in the scriptures; and that shares examples of His love and His grace that we have received, from our experiences. Lastly, the purpose of this Channel Ministry is to produce content that teaches and encourages born again believers, the disciplines of the Spirit led life, the life of faith, and the development of our spiritual ear, to hear the voice of God through the Holy Spirit!

The Road Of Faith Seminar * Ken Fletcher Ministries


We warmly welcome you to The Road Of Faith Seminar; a video outreach of Ken Fletcher Ministries. This Channel is dedicated to reach people who are seekiing truth, light, and real faith based answers to problems. No matter what you may have been told, Jesus, The Anointed One, is alive. He is still doing the same things He has always done. We are commisioned to expose the deception of this present world and boldly publish the reality of Jesus, and what He has accomplished for us all. It is our prayer that you will awaken to the realization of what is really happening here on earth, and your part in it. How hungry are you for the REAL TRUTH? This channel is a journey. Stay tuned. Good things are here. Good things are coming. If you want to go along with us on this journey of reality: Unbelievers begin on, The Most Important Question Part 1 or Part 2. Believers begin on How Long? Part 1. Thank you. Blessings KFM