New Light Church Deland


New Light Church in DeLand, FL is a TRADITIONAL, CONSERVATIVE church, accepting all who believe in the saving grace of Jesus Christ. We are led by The Rev. Dr. Richard (Rick) Chandler who preaches the true Gospel of Jesus Christ without compromise. Correct and sound doctrine is crucial to salvation and growth in spiritual maturity. The Bible speaks of false teachers and prophets, especially in the end times. The severest attack upon the Word of God, the Christian faith, and the church itself is coming from INSIDE the church today. Denominations are actively going against the precepts of God, but Pastor Rick stays true to the word, and speaks out on those going against God's word. Join us, the Remnant, the last of the faithful.



⦁영어(+시사리뷰/인텔)채널입니다. ⦁텔레그램 채널 1. (채널) 2. (채팅방) ⦁이따금 후원 9003-2249-6727-9(새마을금고:**송) /검열... ⦁ 서브채널 -유튜브: Right영어_2 (이또한 인텔 채널입니다.) 링크: -럼블: Right7Eng ⦁ 논문 (An) Information-theoretic analysis of English flapping in the Inter-word environment ⦁ 번역합니다. (학술논문 등, 現직) 텔레그램채널(로 문의 주시면 됩니다.

Light of the Menorah: Messianic Congregation


Established in 2009 and Growing We are a Messianic congregation that seeks the presence and leading of the Ruach HaChodesh (Holy Spirit). We are more than a congregation, we are Mishpacha (family). We worship, pray and study together, hold one another up in times of need and celebrate together in times of blessing. In this family, there is always room for more! What We Believe We are followers of Yeshua (Jesus) and welcome the entire body of Mashiach (Messiah). We worship Adonai (the Lord) at His appointed times, celebrating His Shabbat (the Sabbath) and the feasts and festivals that He has established. We strive to live in obedience to Torah (Instruction) and make it an integral part of our lives. You are Welcome Here At Light of the Menorah, all are welcome. Services are held in English, Russian and can be translated into Spanish. Here we are all one in Messiah and look forward to the time that every tongue, tribe and nation will sing His praises together.

Light for Life


Welcome to Light for Life, Connections with Liss and Lori! We Lovingly Invite you to Share in our Open Hearted Conversations about the Energetic Essences of Life, and join in on our chats! We thoroughly enjoy Exploring the Deeper Topics, delving into the Things that Matter, and Hold the Greatest Meaning to the Quality of our Experiences. Broadening our Perspectives, Recognizing all the Potentials, and Embracing the Joy that is Always ours for the taking! We would love you to Connect with us in community, as we All Encourage one another to Create Healthier, and More Beautiful Expressions of our Authentic Lights, in Manifestation and Embodiment. We Aim to Shine a Bright Light on Your Inner Splendor, and to assist to Connect you to your Magnificence, through what we intend to be Enlightening Sharing, potentially educational, and hopefully, Entertaining Content. Details about each of us, who we are and what we do, are always in the Description box under every episode. Let's Connect!

2023-24 NBA Season Highlights


Hoops Highlights Hub Basketball Videos Channel During the NBA Season/Playoffs, we post 🏀 Full Game Season/Playoffs Highlights 🏀 Selected Player Full Game Highlights 🏀 Post Game Interviews During the offseason, we post: 🏀 NBA Player Highlights 🏀 NBA Legendary Moments 🏀 Offseason Clips Remember to share, like and subscribe to see more videos during and after the NBA Season!! Feel free to comment what you would like to see!! Checkout our Tiktok page as well! @nbahighlightshow For business/sponsorship enquiries, email us at