I do a little metal detecting and rock hounding and some of the “finds” are just ...


Welcome to the "​​JaiPhone " Official Channel. ​ We always restorative the broken phone and Find a phone that has been dumped to restore, Rebuild an old broken phone, restore the destroyed phone, product reviews, and much more technology. Videos are for Entertainment Purposes and shared with little knowledge of Restoration, such as How to restore, Upgrade iPhone (DIY iPhone) Etc.,. Please Note: JaiPhone assumes no liability for your phone damage due to any of the information contained in this video. Only attempt your repairs if you can accept personal responsibility for the results, good or bad.

Notícias do Corinthians Hoje


Olá Nação da Fiel (Corinthians) Seja bem vindo (a) Aqui neste Canal você irá assistir as noticias do corinthians em primeira mão, trazendo sempre para você torcedor fiel do timão. Eu te mostro as últimas notícias do corinthians, aqui você fica bem informado, com as atualizações sobre o corinthians, e para a torcida do corinthians, quer saber sobre as contratações do corinthians, onde assistir corinthians na tv ao vivo, aqui você está no lugar certo, nós te mostramos a chegada de novos reforços do time do parque são jorge, também trazemos para você a escalação do corinthians, contratação do corinthians, especulações do corinthians, sondagens do corinthians, novidades do corinthians de hoje, ultimas do corinthians e muito mais. Obs : Buscamos sempre pela veracidade dos fatos, bem como fontes seguras, para nunca transmitir informações falsas aos nossos torcedores do Corinthians !!! Contatos & Parcerias : noticiasdocorinthianshoje01@gmail.com

Forgotten and Abandoned Music


In the vast and ever-expanding world of music, some truly remarkable compositions and genres have been left behind by the relentless march of time. The Forgotten and Neglected Music channel is your portal to rediscover those hidden gems from a spectrum of once widely popular musical genres. Join us on a journey through the annals of musical history as we unearth and celebrate the melodies that time has all but forgotten. If you like the content, be sure to subscribe to the channel and like those songs you enjoy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All of our music is in the public domain. Under the Music Modernization Act of 2018 (Section 1401), all sound recordings published before January 1, 1923, entered the public domain on January 1, 2022.

Makanan dan masakan dari segala penjuru dunia


Kami mendirikan Tastemade dengan satu tujuan, yaitu untuk menghubungkan dunia melalui makanan. Saat istimewa yang paling sering menyatukan kita dalam kehidupan adalah saat kita berada di seputar makanan, itu adalah saat dimana kita saling berkumpul satu sama lain. Kami tau bahwa kami tidak dapat melakukan ini sendiri dan kami pun tidak menginginkan itu. Untuk mewujudkan tujuan Ini dibutuhkan orang-orang yang memiliki semangat yang kuat dan memiliki kecintaan yang dalam terhadap makanan. Untunglah para Tastemakers dari segala penjuru dunia seperti mu telah membuat konten yang sangat baik. Bagikanlah konten ini dan hubungkanlah satu orang lagi setiap harinya.