Sweet Rapscallions


Sweet Rapscallions is a Macedonian band and a fictional story in which the main characters are called Epiams, who originate from Bitola. The band has a unique style inspired by the avant-garde movements in the popular music from the late 1970s and early 1980s, with complex genres such as folk music intersecting with (retro)futurism. With an authentic noir and true Romantic expression embedded into a masterfully woven ambient beats, themes and samples radiating the 20 century atmosphere present in Kafka’s unrecorded dreams, Sweet Rapscallions glide from the esthetics in the noir movies to the industrial and avant-pop. They signed to the independent local label Sharla and have two official releases, the EP titled EP I AM (April, 2014) and the LP Stereo Memory – Live at Kanal 103 (February, 2017), recorded during the radio show (If nobody is playing). The story about Epiams continues to develop simultaneously with the bend.

UnRecalled History


Welcome to UnRecalled History, where the forgotten past comes to life in vivid detail! Step into a world where the obscure takes center stage, and the stories of the forgotten find their voice once again. With each video, we peel back the layers of time to reveal the unsung heroes, the once-great cities & empires, and the mind-blowing events that have shaped our world. From the mysterious figures who defied convention to the forgotten moments that changed the course of history, we delve deep into the archives to bring you stories that will captivate, inspire, and leave you craving more! Whether you're a seasoned history buff looking for your next fix or a curious cat eager to learn something new, UnRecalled History is your ticket to discovering the hidden corners of history. So, what are you waiting for? Hit that subscribe button and join us as we journey through the forgotten annals of history, one epic tale at a time!

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