God's Green Earth
1 FollowerA source for unfiltered local and worldwide news.
A source for unfiltered local and worldwide news.
Soul Of Life - Made By God channel is dedicated to Spiritual seekers who seek enlightenment. We also create educational and motivational videos for people who want well-being in the Material world. Spirituality does not mean any particular practice. It is a sure way of being. To get there, there are many things to do. This is like a garden in your house. If the soil, sunlight, or stem of a plant is in a certain way, it won’t yield flowers, you have to do something. You have to take care of those things. So if you cultivate your body, mind, emotions, and energies to a certain level of maturity, something else blossoms within you Soul Of Life - Made By God channel aims to give its viewers the wisdom and knowledge of great personalities. like Sadhguru and Swami Vivekananda. Here we will be sharing the speech of the Great Spiritual master so that you can work on your well-being.
We are a Christian Group. With Sermons and Bible Study.
hlo you can find here various types of video
Regardless of whether you believe this world was created by design, or the result of happenstance, you must admit that the creatures inhabiting Earth alongside us are endlessly fascinating. This channel is dedicated to revealing interesting facts about these critters, be they mundane and living next to us in our homes, or exotic dwellers of far-off jungles. I post new videos three times per week: Monday is dedicated to terrestrial animals, because we all need to start our week grounded. Wednesday features a creature that spends its time in the sky to give us inspiration to keep soaring until Saturday. Friday, focuses on dwellers of the deeps as we float into the weekend. Ten percent of any proceeds earned by this channel will be donated to local charities devoted to the care of animals in need.
I Upload When My Mind Is FULL!
Unveiling Mysteries From The Bible
Together, we accelerate America to be One Nation Under God Again
In this channel we will demystify God's word and identify principles that affect our day to day living. That you may grow closer in your walk with God.
Essential Information to know God and the purpose of our live in order to be free
This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth.
Moments of God.
Man till God is a Prog Rock band hailing from Colombo, Sri Lanka. Driving bass grooves, melodic vocals, extended solos and intriguing drum sections set the backdrop for us to explore space and time, love and fantasy, bittersweet emotion and the darkness inherent within us all.
Conversations with God
A channel dedicated to healthy living through the use of the products from LiveGood.
God bless the world i am belive
Embark on a profound exploration of the nature of God with our enlightening YouTube series. In these captivating episodes, we delve deep into the mysteries surrounding the divine, seeking to unravel the essence of God's being and presence in our lives. Join us as we contemplate timeless questions such as: What is the nature of God? How do different religious and spiritual traditions perceive the divine? Is God immanent, transcendent, or both? Through engaging discussions, insightful commentary, and reflective meditations, we invite you to contemplate the infinite facets of God's nature and the profound impact of divine consciousness on humanity. Whether you're a devout believer, a spiritual seeker, or simply curious about the nature of existence, our channel offers a safe space for dialogue, exploration, and spiritual growth. Subscribe now and embark on a transformative journey toward deeper understanding and connection with the divine.
Serving God in whatever way I can!
Delve into the intricacies of evolutionary theory and the creationist worldview as we embark on a journey to understand the eternal debate between evolution and creation. Through rigorous examination and open-minded exploration, we seek to uncover the nuances, challenges, and common ground within this age-old discourse. Join us as we navigate through the depths of scientific discovery, philosophical contemplation, and spiritual inquiry, inviting dialogue and reflection on the profound mysteries of existence.
This world is a dark place, full of corruption and lies. Embrace the only One who can destroy the darkness.
I love people but I don't like who hats me
Lord God of Truth Ministries, is a bible Study based channel, Bringing the Truth of Gods word to any who calls upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We don't Teach Denominational Doctrines, Just the Apostolic Doctrines brought to us by the Jesus and the Apostles
Introducing the God of the Bible, the God of the Jews, the creator of the universe. Let us know our God better.
Time is running out for people to become more adequately prepared for a Third World War. It is this coming prophesied war that will precede Christ’s second coming. The Church of God – PKG is working to help people be far better informed about those things that are already happening which are now about to lead into major catastrophic events.
Only the Truth shall be told
Marion COGIC Mission is through purpose and development Marion COGIC will Exalt Christ, Edify and Equip the Body, Evangelize Souls, and Empower the community by Connecting together, making a difference and raising expectations
Buckle up, bro! Welcome to DriveSafeBro, your daily dose of dashcam drama, road rage revelry, and driving disasters! From heart-stopping near-misses to hilarious highway hijinks, we've got it all. Join the journey and stay safe on the roads! #DriveSafeBro #Dashcam #RoadReady
Life as a Church Member at Faith Baptist Church, Layton, Utah
God is one
Dad God Loves You
There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about me. We hope you enjoy the channel and we hope that you join me on my journey for God and Country. Please take a moment to drop me a line and visit the site regularly for updates. Thank you
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