Say It Podcast

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Say It!!! Podcast with Keith Kriss "Step into the pop culture universe with 'Say It!!! Podcast,' the ultimate podcast for film fanatics, TV addicts, and pop culture junkies alike. Our hosts are also horror enthusiasts, each with their own terrifying tales to share. So, prepare to be gripped by bone-chilling narratives, disturbed by unsettling discussions, and captivated by the horror genre's rich history. Each episode, we'll journey through the realms of cinematic wonder, dissecting the best of film of the 80's, 90's, and 2000's, dissecting character arcs, and diving deep into the classic and hotest trends in the cinemtaic universe. From superhero sagas to bonechilling horror, from nostalgia trips to cutting-edge sci-fi, we've got it all covered. Youtube- Facebook- Twitter- Links Say It Podcast Anchor Apple Podcasts Spotify