Best Contents for Better Living,


Content Creation for better living and serve the community around us. We plan to introduce projects that will involve, Music, Human History, Cooking for better taste, Festivals that we All celebrate, Provide How To ? help in every conceivable issue we all face, Daily Tips to get your health in order. We are requesting to show a different face of social media without a ulterior and/or biased approach. We are committed to show balanced approach to everything that will create. .

Tim the Patentman Verified


I'm a patent attorney, entrepreneur, and inventor who has 15 years of experience in the patent space. I've worked on patent portfolios that have been licensed for 8 figures, patent portfolios that helped companies raise a 9 figure funding round, and patent portfolios that helped form a unicorn ($1B acquisition). Throughout my experience, one thing is clear. There is generally a disconnect between the C-level at a company and the outside counsel tasked with protecting the company's patentable technology. When this occurs, the results mentioned above are much harder, if not impossible to achieve, imo. Thus, the content herein is to educate small business owners, inventors, and others who are innovating about the strategies needed to ensure your innovation is being adequately protected and your patent budget is being smartly utilized. None of the information herein should be construed as legal advice, but instead as information for educational and entertainment purposes only.

The Digital Content Ministry


This Channel Ministry is purposed to produce digital content that declares to the unsaved world, the message of salvation in Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ), through repentance and faith; and to illuminate the depravity in man, that reveals our need for salvation. Our purpose is to produce Video content that teaches the good news of The Kingdom of God; and that cultivates the culture of God's kingdom, in righteousness, through faith. This ministry also produces digital content, that will illuminate the love and the grace of God revealed in the scriptures; and that shares examples of His love and His grace that we have received, from our experiences. Lastly, the purpose of this Channel Ministry is to produce content that teaches and encourages born again believers, the disciplines of the Spirit led life, the life of faith, and the development of our spiritual ear, to hear the voice of God through the Holy Spirit!

Light In The Darkness


This channel will post content on topics that cover everything from faith, current events, conspiracies, and politics. The goal of this channel is to expose the Deceptions and Illusions of this World, and to bring to Light the Realities of this World. Videos will cover many things that the mainstream media will not cover, and attempt to Expose subverted Truth. “And Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you Free.’’ John 8:31 Donations Appreciated, Thank You. Bitcoin - bc1qz527a0kzpmdvnpv5l7y3zw20gtyg4s5tqylg8u Ethereum - 0x92E2537052bAEe5fc01f623A104AEcbF88EC1621 XRP - r3Hq4HnXv2z3DFxtsHsUBUyarNMMsmiXa7 Cardano - addr1qxc2elfsvcsswrdffjtwsfjy4w4ymq4u3u0dv82n8lvu2gas4n7nqe3pqux6jnykaqnyf2a2fkpterc76cw4x07ec53szvgge5 XLM - GBXM2EE5YRL3MJD5WYRSXG2HWNMJHMXTIGPAT4X4NZV3BY5IBP4XXTAF LTC - Lbm2agYnLiaf9er7VX7ye5H2d6JBzYP1we ALGO - OFVHBH7L4OXJRS5ZJ3U66ZSLCQO33JRXBAIJRMQDG7ET2ODGB2L26H7AJU HBAR - 0.0.8087360