Rumble Read Audiobooks Verified


Dive into a world of captivating stories! Our channel brings you a diverse selection of audiobooks across various genres, from classic literature to contemporary bestsellers. What to expect: High-quality audio: Crystal-clear sound for an immersive listening experience. Diverse genres: From thrilling mysteries to heartwarming romances and everything in between. Regular uploads: New audiobooks added frequently to keep you entertained. Engaging community: Join the conversation with fellow book lovers in the comments. Follow now to embark on your next literary adventure!

Chicago Red Pilled Podcast


2 Late 30’ something Black former High school classmates reunite to start a podcast from a conservative perspective. We talk about our red pilling and our observations over 20 years of growing up in Chicago. We share our unique lens and talk about challenges that Black conservatives and All people in general face in our “Woke” society we live in. We also dive deep into talking about how we can help solve problems effecting the black communities and America overall. It is a show about people, connections, and thought provoking conversation, and the need to challenge our notions/ assumptions and ways of looking at our collective situation as black people in America, specifically the inner cities of America and ways of looking at what we have been fed living in inner cities and more importantly, ways to reverse the narrative . Welcome to Chicago Red Pilled Podcast

The Red Pill For Women: Escape The Alternative Health Matrix


I am a former chronically sick woman. I had eight autoimmune diseases, an eating disorder, ADD, and anxiety and depression. After years of struggling with Western and Alternative Medicine, I was Red-Pilled, an awakening that woke me up to the realization that my emotional state was the true root cause of ALL my conditions. When I resolved my emotional state by going from Camp Victim to Camp Taking Responsibility, I permanently healed all my autoimmune diseases and chronic illnesses. I now teach online educational courses that take others down this same healing journey that I took. All your chronic illnesses and autoimmune diseases are coming from the same place, your emotional state, and can be permanently healed - without supplements, medication, or food protocols. Welcome; I am so glad you are here. Let’s get Red-Pilled and Escape the Alternative Health and Wellness Matrix. 👉 My FREE Autoimmune and Chronic Illness 101 Course: 👉 Complimentary Consultation:

Live Stream Get Ready for War Thunder: Let the Games Begin!


Hey, everyone! I wanted to share with you my stream, where I play War Thunder - a game that I really enjoy and have time for. Feel free to hang out and watch, even if you're not too familiar with the game. I'll be happy to answer your questions about War Thunder or streaming in general. Also, as always, if you feel like supporting me and what I'm doing, Links are below. Website : Please Subscribe and Follow us on Trovo - YouTube - Twitch - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Discord - wlo - Streaming Schedule - System Info -

Red Moon RADio


RadFem Radio + Moontime Magickal Musings Political discourse from a radical feminist lens + moontime magickal musings on matriarchal mythology, spiritual feminist history, and womb wisdom. (Radical: Root. Women's oppression has always been - and will always be - rooted in her sex. Exclusively inclusive of all females, even those identifying as men. MERF is more apt, but gender transitioned the term.) I’m a problematic and increasingly troublesome free speech absolutist, former actress, current radfem writer of film, fiction and feminist politics. I’m a politically homeless liberal with a BA double major in Poli Sci and English, a proclivity for dystopia and (possibly) perverse intrigue with the rise of fascistic authoritarianism. Let’s dialogue. Slurs have no impact.

Red Pilled Underground


The world went to sleep in 2021 and awoke in 1984. With the gas light on, the great American caravan has come to a halt as the GPS screams “you’ve reached your destination, China.” The news is Orwellian fiction and big tech the guards of your digital prison cell. There is a war of information being fought and military industrial complex is hiding the bullets. We are the Red Pilled Underground! Our mission, bring you the news and information you need to make INFORMED choices. Current events, crypto, breaking news, censored topics, we bring you the news underground. You’ve been blue pilled your whole life, it’s time to wake up. We made waffles!