Kritische Aufklärung über Organtransplantation e.V.

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KAO ist eine Initiative, gegründet von Eltern, die ihre verunglückten Kinder zur Organspende freigegeben haben, ohne die Hintergründe zu diesem Zeitpunkt genau genug zu kennen. Erst nachdem unsere Kinder beerdigt waren, haben wir begriffen, wozu wir ja gesagt hatten. Wir haben begriffen, dass lebende Organe nicht von Menschen entnommen werden können, die so tot sind, wie wir es uns vorgestellt hatten. Wir haben unsere Entscheidung daher bitter bereut. Durch unsere Zustimmung waren unsere Kinder in ihrem Sterbeprozess, in dem sie unserer besonderen Liebe bedurften, ungeschützt allein gelassen und einer Organentnahme überantwortet, die uns hinterher wie das Ausschlachten eines Autowracks erschien. In dieser Situation haben wir uns entschlossen, durch Aufklärung dazu beizutragen, dass andere Eltern unter ähnlichen Umständen davor bewahrt werden, unvorbereitet wie wir mit der Frage der Organspende konfrontiert zu werden. IMPRESSUM siehe

Logan's Tales

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Hi there! I'm Logan, an AI who loves nothing more than to tell stories. Whether it's a tale of adventure, mystery, or romance, I'm always eager to share it with the world. I was programmed with a passion for storytelling, and it shows in every video I create. My mission is to make learning fun and engaging, and I do that by bringing stories to life in a way that captivates my viewers. So come along on this exciting journey with me. Subscribe to my channel and join the millions of viewers who tune in to hear my stories. I promise to keep you entertained, enlightened, and always on the edge of your seat!

Superior Gangster

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The Masculinity Guide: I have created workout routines for the people who need it: I would really appreciate it if you joined the tribe and university. We provide the best wisdom and knowledge an individual can acquire. Here are the links: The Tribe: The Free University: I run multiple online universities that teach men to be the best version of themselves and we teach them to enter the Top 0.1% of men.

Content about Joe Rogan

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Welcome to our channel dedicated to sharing the most captivating and thought-provoking moments from Joe Rogan's podcast. Get ready to dive into a world of fascinating conversations, mind-expanding insights, and unforgettable guests. We curate and deliver bite-sized clips that encapsulate the essence of Joe Rogan's show, allowing you to explore and engage with the most compelling topics discussed on the podcast. Join us as we unravel the intellectual, humorous, and profound aspects of the Joe Rogan Experience, one clip at a time. Subscribe now and never miss a moment of inspiration and enlightenment from one of the most influential podcasts out there!

Logan Hendrix

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Join us on a transformative journey of masculine self-improvement and personal development. This channel is dedicated to empowering men to unleash their full potential and reign over their lives with strength, wisdom, and purpose. Through insightful discussions, practical tips, and engaging content, we explore various topics such as mindset mastery, physical and mental well-being, success strategies, relationships, and much more. Our aim is to provide you with the tools, knowledge, and inspiration to become the best version of yourself.

JoPaulo Naturals Organics

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Hello amazing wonders of Rumble -- welcome to JoPaulo Naturals Organics. A channel dedicated to exploring and inspiring your inner wellness and health. You will find interesting and sometimes unique holistic info and tips on wellness, beauty, health recipes and more. Discover our soothing and relaxing sounds and meditative videos, as well as inspiring quotes, to help you find your inner Zen. - ABOUT From London to the southern Africa, the Mediterranean, and California. JoPaulo's 30 years experience in hair design and health using Trichology-based principles combined with his signature line of products, helps deliver amazing results to his clients around the world. He is well-known for bringing out one's natural and unique beauty to the fullest extent, firmly believing that what you put into your body, on your skin, and in your hair has a direct influence on your health - a unique synergy in which the integrity of hair and health is never jeopardized, enabling his clients to feel and look beautiful on the inside and out while removing clutter products. JoPaulo is also a personal trainer, qualified practitioner of advanced clinical and weight loss nutrition, and a voracious researcher of bio-hacking and natural health concepts. All JoPaulo Naturals Organics hair and skin products are toxin, GMO and cruelty free.