Uplink Ministries


Uplink Ministries // God • People • Connected We are solidly Bible-based and believe that the gifts and fruit of the Spirit should be practiced! We work to create an atmosphere where “everyone gets to play”. We are not a spectator-type of church. We meet in a room that may look more like a coffee house with tables and chairs and a couple of microphones for people to use as the Spirit leads, so people can exercise their gifts of encouragement, revelation, discernment, and prophecy among others. During worship and even during the teaching we encourage a more “conversational” atmosphere where we hear what God is saying and doing through each other. N85W15770 Appleton Ave, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 Sunday | 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

The Outlaw Feminist


The purpose of this channel is to push my face out into the ether and tell my very unique and special story in order to draw attention to the things I care about as follows: 1. ENDING STATE-SANCTIONED SEX TRAFFICKING IN MY HOMETOWN OF PORTLAND, OREGON. Get behind me or beside me but do not get in front of me. I have already accepted that I will be carried by six or judged by 12 on this one. If you gaslight me or attack me or threaten me, your name will be added to my list of "SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SEX TRAFFICKERS (SYLST)".