D&L The Va. Homesteaders
1 Follower"The harshest tyranny is that which acts under the protection of legality and the banner of justice" Go as a pilgrim and seek out danger far from the comfort and the well lit avenues of life.' Him. After service in the Canadian Armed Forces, moved to America and became a NAUI Course Director ,Padi Master Instructor Fire Fighter / EMT , ERDI Public safety Diving instructor and wilderness first responder instructor. Also hold instructor ratings with Ashi, SDI, TDI and DAN. 26 yeas fire and EMS. Extensive international experience including citizenships in the Bahamas, Great Brittan, Canada and as of 2021 America. 20 years running several homeless shelters. Crew Captain Vol Rescue squad. Two years as Squad VP and acting president. Now, full time Homesteader / part time consultant. Her. My Angel Bride of 20 years has PHDs in molecular Biology and Biochemistry, over 25 years of lab experience and is a Director for a major CRO. TEOTWAWKI Ready! Haysteadranch@gmail.com