Today's Harmonics


Quantum Play Studio Presents... Today's Harmonics. A weekly livestream talk-show that drops Friday evenings (EST), around 5:30pm EST. Join our New Earth talkshow as we discuss emerging mythos, frequencies, astrology, stories and magical topics that are rising and being reclaimed in the now times. This is talk show for the New Earth (the Turning of the Ages) and what it means for each of us to broadcast our infinite selves across the multiverse (yup, we also cos-play)! Your multi-dimensional show hosts are: Rachel Z and Aria. Rachel Z is a Creator-being! She writes, crafts new and ancient stories, builds worlds and is a Neurolinguistic Astrologer. She's also a personal fitness trainer, dancer and producer. More about Rachel's Project: Tune into GoldSuga Productions: Aria is an Alchemist, Priestess, writer and a disciple of energy, herbal and frequency medicines. She's all about making the mundane...magical, and imbues Quantum Temple Practices into her work and her play. Subscribe to Aria's Substack Publication: More about Aria:

my channel always upload cute dog and related video


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