Na Cozinha Com o Seila


Seja muito bem vindo ao canal 'Na Cozinha com o Seila'. Eu sou o Seilá, tenho mais de 40 anos de experiência com culinária. Aqui você vai ter acesso a muitas receitas salgadas e doces, fáceis, práticas e deliciosas, em especial a culinária árabe, aqui você aprenderá fazer, kibes, esfihas, coalhadas, moussaká (lasanha grega), falafel entre outras delicias. Publicamos vídeos semanais, e você pode utilizá-los para aprender mais e ficar um mestre na cozinha. Surpreenda seus familiares e amigos. E da pra fazer uma renda extra, é uma ótima opção para comercializar. Lembre de visitar nossas redes sociais Instagram Na Cozinha Com O Seila Página do Facebook Seila Gastronomia Arabe Qualquer dúvida conte comigo, é só chamar no whatsapp (16)99147-4746 Obrigado


Certaines personnes qui n’aiment pas les animaux et ne préfèrent pas les posséder peuvent penser que les animaux ne servent à rien et qu’ils ont été créés en vain, mais Dieu est exalté au-dessus de ce qu’ils décrivent. Les animaux ont une grande importance dans la vie des gens. Ces créatures amicales veulent seulement que nous les laissions tranquilles et que nous ne les dérangeions pas, sauf dans ce qui plaît à Dieu et pour lequel ils ont été créés. Personne ne devrait les chasser, les tuer ou provoquer leur destruction. leurs environnements dans lesquels ils vivent et broutent leur nourriture et leurs plantes, etc. D'autres lui enseignent que les animaux sont une partie importante du système de l'univers, et que si l'une de ces parties est perturbée, des problèmes et des crises indésirables se produiront.

System Administrator


For 1-On-1 Online Sessions, please register with us. WhatsApp to Join : WhatsApp +91 9827152920 Disclaimer:- The video content is only for education & I formation purpose only or to educate the students and it professionals for industry and career support.All our video have been made using my own system, router, server, my own website. It does not contains any illegal activities. Mahesh Singh is not responsible for any misuse of the provided information. Thank You!!



A collection of feature and short films dealing with juvenile gangs from the 1920's to the 1940's, such as the Little Rascals, Our Gang, Mickey Maguire, the Dead End Kids, the Little Tough Guys, the East Side Kids , the Bowery Boys, and the Gas House Gang. This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. It is being made available in an effort to advance the study of juvenile delinquency in American popular culture. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for educational purposes. It is made available for loan on a person-to-person basis. Therefore, the reproduction in digital copies for teaching (including copies for online classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. Students or others who wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of their own that go beyond 'fair use' must obtain permission of the copyright holder.