Patriot YOUniversity


Patriot YOUniversity is a patriotic channel based in Philadelphia, PA. It is dedicated to educating, informing, and inspiring Americans to reclaim their God-given rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Our mission is to empower individuals with knowledge and resources to make informed decisions and take action to protect their rights and freedoms. Our videos are designed to empower everyday Americans to stand up for their beliefs and exercise their rights by covering topics such as American history, current events, and ways to take action in your community. Join us on our journey to educate and inspire Americans to stand up for their rights and make a difference in their communities. Together, we can create a more informed, engaged society that cherishes freedom and democracy. Join our community of patriots and start your journey toward becoming a more informed and engaged citizen.

Infiltrated in Patriots Protest


Brasileiros patriotas protestam contra as eleições fraudulentas do Judiciário que nomearam Lula (um criminoso condenado) a presidente do país. #spreadthetruth #divulgueaverdade Esse canal mostra que havia um plano para colocar infiltrar marginais no protesto - pacífico e ordeiro há mais de 70 dias - para criar o caos e culpar os manifestantes. Brazilian Patriots protest against the Judiciary Fraud Elections that put Lula (the biggest condemn criminal) as Brazilian President. This channel shows there was a plan to add infiltrated marginals in the pacific protest to create the chaos and blame the Patriots. Brasileiros patriotas protestam contra as eleições fraudulentas do Judiciário que nomearam Lula (um criminoso condenado) a presidente do país. Esse canal mostra que havia um plano para colocar infiltrar marginais no protesto - pacífico e ordeiro por mais de 70 dias em todas as cidades do país - para criar o caos e culpar os manifestantes.