The Cave TV


The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you ~ B.B. King I am a student of life, and one who is always open to receive the messages that the universe wants to teach. I encourage everyone to ask questions, do research, and learn every chance you can; whether it's new things or finding the answers to those questions that you contemplate. I also believe we should know about suppressed historical information as it's unseen by so many. Seeing actual discovery documents, whether for a crime case or an event in history, it's where you'll find the most unbiased truth for yourself. Stay curious my friends. My Other Channel is: Crime and Killers

First Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi


The First Children's Embassy in the World, Megjashi- Macedonia, was founded by: Gordana and Dragi Zmijanac in Skopje, on 29.04.1992. Megjashi is a World Association of citizens and represents an international NGO for care, protection and promotion of the children's rights. Children's Embassy Megjashi advocates and protects children's rights, stands for responsible parenthood and respect for the child's personality. Megjashi continuously works on the strengthening of the civil movement for children’s rights and functionality of the institutions in the best interests of the child." 30 YEARS OF EXISTENCE AND WORK OF THE FIRST CHILDREN’S EMBASSY IN THE WORLD MEGJASHI - 30 YEARS OF MORE RIGHTEOUS WORLD FOR THE CHILDREN