If you're looking for YouTube channels that provide computer education, whether it's programming, software tutorials, or general tech knowledge, there are several excellent options available


I apologize, but as of my last knowledge update in September 2021, I do not have specific information about a YouTube channel called "Abhishek Ray" related to computer education. It's possible that this channel either did not exist at that time or was not widely known in the computer education space.

TokStocks Podcast: Canadian Small-Cap Coverage for Active Investors


We are a financial media company that connects retail investors with market commentary, usually privy to institutions, such as CEO interviews and insights into the markets, sectors and deal flow that could deliver massive potential gains. We aren’t just another financial media company producing long winded fluffy, always positive content for people who like to see themselves on camera. We are different - we get straight to the goddamn point and have a no BS policy. Don’t come on our show if you can’t speak the truth.



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