Trigger Warning Verified


I have an undying curiosity about the world and they way we operate as people, why we make the decisions we make, why we vote the way we vote (if we vote), what we believe, what we know and what we haven't yet thought to ask. I want to make the world a better place by simply asking normal people like myself to allow honest discourse to prevail again. Conversations need to happen or we can't operate as a collective and we NEED to operate as a collective in order to keep the world in one piece. So come along for the journey to a place where progress happens and people can be honest in a world where honesty isn't so obviously valued anymore. *Trigger Warning*

Dark Room Triggers


Hey! I'm Dr. Triggers. My channel is about random ASMR. I love ASMR videos and decided to give my own a shot. I'll end up covering lots of cool triggers and scenarios one day. But for now, I'm going to keep it SIMPLE with black/dark backgrounds and random sounds that give me the TINGLES, so I'm sure others will enjoy these as well. Don’t forget to LIKE any videos (if you really do) and SUBSCRIBE. It really does help YT channels grow and motivates creators to make more content that y'all love! See you in Sleepy Time Land! :-) DONATE: BTC: 34oPHALhCguJGwyNgNQpK8MEyaXnH76scH

Integrative Osteopathy®, por Patrícia Trigo


Integrative Osteopathy® é um método que engloba e integra a Osteopatia Clássica, a Osteopatia Visceral e Neural, a Terapia Sacro-Craniana e várias Terapias Energéticas Multidimensionais. Tem como objectivo dar resposta a uma procura crescente das Terapias Complementares, cuja abordagem holística permite obter bons resultados no tratamento de várias manifestações de dor. Acima de tudo, pretende-se compreender e tratar as causas e não os sintomas, promovendo a saúde! Neste canal, encontra a rubrica "Despertar em Consciência", um local de conversas expontâneas e descontraídas, sobre variadíssimos temas que considero importantes no início desta Nova Era. Todos os sábados, um convidado, um tema, uma partilha de vida. Nos Tutorias encontra informação útil e específica, que frequentemente partilho com os meus pacientes como extensão das minhas consultas. Esta informação está facilmente disponível para ser vista as vezes necessárias, como prática consciente de cura e bem-estar.

Morning Scripture Dog Walk


Most mornings my dogs wake me up with reminders that they can't use the bathroom and have to go out. I get up and grab my kindle, switching it to the WordOf God. I go downstairs and open the doors for our pack to race outside and see who's been in the yard overnight. I say a prayer and read one chapter out loud. I thought I'd share that for myself and anyone else interested. Putting things on hold as it takes over an hour to post a 5 minute video. It constantly fails and has to be restarted. I just don't have the time to do that every morning.