StacheD Training Verified


Technical Fireground Training Over 15 Years in the Fire Service Patrick is currently the Captain and Training Officer at Station 4 on the Troy Fire Department, Michigan. Prior to Troy he spent time on the Chesaning-Brady Fire Department(Michigan), as well as the Red Lion Fire Department in Pennsylvania. Combined with over 15 Years of Engineering Patrick is a Mechanical Engineer and is currently working on advanced development projects in the automotive industry. Most recently he has designed a multi-material battery structure for electric vehicles. During his time as an engineer he has worked in multiple industries and been issued multiple patents. He has an excellent understanding of the manufacturing process, automation equipment (hydraulic, pneumatic, controls systems), design process, and overall understands how to solve complex problems.

Land Flip Training


Looking for a real estate investing business with the potential to earn at least 200% to well over 1,000% return? Our opportunity allows you to work from anywhere with just a telephone, computer, and internet connection. Say goodbye to rush hour traffic and hello to the freedom of working an average of 2 hours per day. With many parts of the business able to be outsourced relatively cheaply, you can focus on growing your business and achieving your financial goals.

Services Dogs Training


In service dogs, people with disabilities are provided with help. The training involved preparing these animals to understand. In hospitals, homes, grocery stores, and other public places. The socialization and obedience training of a service dog must be intensive. Before being placed with its handler, it usually takes 2-3 years. As well as basic commands like "sit" and "down," they learn more complex behaviors like opening doors and changing clothes. Thandlesonsible for continuing the training rules once the pair have been paired. For their service animal to behave in any situation at any time.

Pet training tips and trick

2 Followers Do you have an unruly dog or cat that just won't behave? When animals don't listen to their masters and start to become destructive around the house, it is probably time for some good old fashioned pet training. There is much more to pet training than just teaching your dog the basic commands like sit, stay, heel, lay down, and roll over. When you can become the leader for your animals, they will follow you and live up to the name of man's best friend.