Spreading The Word Brothers & Sisters Please Subscribe, Like, Share And Comment I will Be Very Grateful 💗💗💗 Free PDF Book Explaining Islam - Christian Prince, a native Arabic speaker and Christian apologist, was born and raised in a Christian family in the Middle East. After facing criticism of his religion from a teacher, he was motivated to study Islam and earned degrees in Islamic Sharia Law and Civil Law. With first-hand knowledge of the Qur’an, Allah, and Muhammad from the original Arabic texts, he gained a comprehensive understanding of Islam. Consequently, he authored several books, including ‘The Deception of Allah,’ ‘Sex and Allah,’ and ‘Quran And Science In-Depth,’ which are available on Amazon #live_debates #christian_apologetics #jesus #jesuschrist #christian #christianprince #christianprincedebates #religiousdebates #arabianprophet #christianity #christianityandislamdebates #islam #muslim #debates #truth #islamandchristianitydebates #kaaba #mecca #debunked #talk #conspiracy #lies #cp #isreal #palestine This channel is to spread the word of Christian Prince -


9 Followers\\\\n \\\\n#THEYLLKNOWWEARECHRISTIANS #THEREVIVALHASBEGUN #BOLDLYCHRISTIAN \\\\n\\\\nWHAT WE ARE:\\\\nWe are a Revival... A rebirth of hearts and minds, a call to Christians to join together and heal our nation by putting Christ back into every aspect of our lives. \\\\n\\\\nWHAT WE BELIEVE: \\\\n+ We believe this nation was purposefully founded under God, recognizing that He is our Sovereign Leader and the Giver of the freedoms protected by the Constitution \\\\n+ We believe in the inherent value of every man, woman, and child – born and unborn- because they are created in His image \\\\n+ We believe the strength of a nation lies in the self-discipline of each individual to follow God’s laws and is passed to future generations by preserving the traditional Christian family \\\\n\\\\nWHAT WE WILL DO: \\\\n+ We will use our individual lives to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind; we will love our neighbors as ourselves; we will pray without ceasing + We will use our individual professions to transform the nation’s economy, government, and society to be infused with the spirit of God \\\\n+ We will be bold in our actions, putting on the full Armor of God, and end the age of Christian isolationism. We will declare God’s Word fearlessly to those who slander it or bring evil to our nation \\\\n\\\\nVisit our website for the full story:\\\\n\\\\

Christian Thought in our World


Welcome to our YouTube Channel. Our host is Deacon Erick Ramirez along with panelists Deacon James Aleman and Johnny Navarro. We are members of Acts Reformed Church in West Covina, California. Christian Thought in our World is a webcast that discusses theology, apologetics, politics and modern culture from a biblical worldview. We will also be including Sunday School classes at Acts Reformed Church taught by Deacon Erick Ramirez. The classes taught by Deacon James and Johnny will be posted on their YouTube Channels linked to on this page. Our prayer is to build a community to discuss these burning issues. So feel free to participate by giving your feedback in the comments section or on Twitter linked on this page.