DOWNLOAD my regularly updated ZON FILE + The FXZone Templates from the first two fxzone videos. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Klyw3gBvV4yCRB5PJcvHFaR27-LHY9b7?usp=sharing This folder contains my newest CSI zon.+ The Compressor FXZone files, shown in these videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOyxuHGOuS4&t=18s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Rt-iAnuP9o&list=PLgiV4QJOk1rLRnCEVqC-qwcGe4HREZGi_&index=4&t=1s This NEW channel, began in November 2020 and will build a library of videos containing many aspects of reaper use/modification, NOT mixing techniques etc, this will be focused on "workflow" - hotkeys/contextual toolbars/fast mix navigation/modifying/ programming reaper - Mouse/keyboard/midi.csi - can all be combined to make a fast, usable workflow!! Quickly implement your most complex or persistent commands - either via hotkeys, mid controllers, CSI controllers, or the mouse. Making mixing the focus and adding easy "moves" to speed the whole process up :)

Auto Care Garage


Assalam-o-Alaikum, " Auto Care Garage " is being established by keeping in view the fact that in Chakwal city there was no modern and up to date workshop for automobiles repairing. People have to travel towards big cities such as Rawalpindi, Islamabad in order to get repaired their vehicles. Auto Care Motor Workshop management has decided to establish a latest and up to date workshop equipped with latest tools in order to facilitate the people of their city and has established a sophisticated auto workshop named as “Auto Care” in Sep-2017. "Auto Care Garage " is being introduced with an aim of providing “Complete Vehicle Solutions Under one Roof “. Auto Care Garage Address is: Plot # 12/13-A, Small industrial Estate Rawalpindi road, Chakwal Contact info: 92 333 0601100, 0543 663600, Email: autocare.chakwal@gmail.com #Chakwal#AutoCareGarage#autoworkshop#BodyShop#NasirSultan#Mechanical#CarRepair#Insurancepanelfacility