Laughter with animals


Laughter with animals refers to the act of laughing or finding humor in the behavior, actions, or appearances of animals. This can include watching videos of animals doing funny things, observing the antics of pets, or simply appreciating the natural world and the humor that can arise from it. Laughter with animals has been shown to have a number of benefits, including reducing stress and improving mood, and many people find joy and entertainment in spending time with animals or watching them in various forms of media.

White Light Express


We are a NON-Denominational & Interfaith group dedicated to the belief that focusing thoughtful, favorable energy on a specific subject or subjects will promote unequivocal change for a positive outcome. The mission of the White Light Express is to offer healing and transformation through focused authentic intention, meditation and prayer . Right Thought is the first step toward Right Action and consciousness. We believe that "holding the vibration" is a profound task and our divine destiny.

Galactic Light Center


Galactic Light Center is a healing space built around helping you heal on your Ascension process. This channel brings daily New Paradigm and energy updates. Quantum healing is also what we are sharing our knowledge of in this safe, calm, grounded space. We have a team of healers who contribute to this channel. We are committed in helping humanity heal back to true reality which is love. And our second commitment is to the grand Ascension process and the great awakening we are all participating in. Lets heal and change the world together.