1 Follower

L'anno 2020 segnerà la storia dell'umanità, sempre se l'umanità avrà ancora una storia. Questo canale nasce per combattere la "Nuova Dittatura" raccogliendo più possibile le informazioni, prove, verità e menzogne riguardante l'epocale INGANNO a livello MONDIALE messo in atto delle più grandi menti criminale che la storia ha mai conosciuto, cioè... I Massoni del "NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE". Nella speranza che il popolo del pianeta prenda coscienza delle verità sul fatto che questi Massoni vogliono sterminare una gran parte degli umani e schiavizzare il restante... nelle frattempo... noi... combattiamo per svegliare le menti più spente e se sarà necessario... combatteremo con le armi.. per difendere la nostra libertà e la salvezza del pianeta e dell'umanità liberi da OPPRESSORI.

Light And Darkness Meet

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This channel is non-profit. The intention of this channel is education through the use of video visuals and music. Hopefully, this channel is effective in educating people about the reality and severity of suffering and darkness. Hopefully, this channel is also effective in educating people about the light that confronts this darkness, often head on. Specifically, this channel blends various visuals of suffering and darkness, with the Light that Christians have historically embraced in such times (represented by the audio of hymns and spiritual songs). This channel is intended to educate through art, to educate about history, the nature of reality, and hope in dark times. If you are going through a dark time, I personally bless you. I hope you can find peace and strength through this channel's artwork and other sources. email:

Fighter city

1 Follower

In this video, we showcase the high-level MMA striking skills of Devonte Smith and Ludovit Klein. Both of these fighters are known for their impressive striking abilities and have made waves in the world of mixed martial arts with their performances in the Octagon. We break down their techniques and discuss how they are able to effectively use their striking skills in MMA. From punches to kicks, knees to elbows, we examine the techniques that have made Devonte Smith and Ludovit Klein such dominant forces in the lightweight division.