Ireland Boys Productions


Welcome to the official Ireland Boys Productions Rumble channel! On this channel, you’ll find a variety of challenges and pranks, including 24 Hour Overnight Challenges, Food Challenges, Hide and Seek, Epic Forts, Dare or Dare, and more. Two brothers, Ricky and Nick of the Ireland Boys want to keep you entertained every single week! Believe in yourself and your dreams! You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength, we give God thanks, and give him the glory in everything we do!

Plain Finance Reborn


Hi There! Welcome to our channel Plain Finance Reborn. in this channel we provide you with videos about Finance, Investing, Economy, Business, and Stocks that will hopefully inform and educate you to get the best out of your money. Our video is intended to keep you updated with the current condition of the market from the experts like Robert Kiyosaki, Jim Rickards, Peter Schiff, etc. our channel PLAIN FINANCE REBORN owns all of the commercial licenses for all content used (excluding parts used under fair use and edited by PLAIN FINANCE REBORN). If you have any question, concerns, etc. please contact the channel.

The Bear's View


While I was running, a strong feeling came over me to proclaim my true faith in our living, loving God. At around 6:00 am each day, I will profess to the world my faith in God & Jesus , share a funny anecdote (or 2, or 3) about my life and my dog, and say the Lords Prayer. We will see where this goes. I really have a passion for helping the Homeless. See...The Bear (that is me) was "unhomed" in 2019. That is when I thought of starting Humans4HelpingHumans. My dream is: To go to just one city (big or small), and make sure everyone eats for just one day. Then figure out how I can repeat that the next day. Baby steps. Actually, I have a bunch of great ideas. There is no reason that anyone should be without food. So that is it in a nutshell. God loves you unconditionally (and so does your dog, which is God backwards - coincidence? - Hmmm) Have a blessed day!

Truth Unfiltered | Breaking Through Censorship | Real News


Welcome to The Daily Scroll Report—where truth is unfiltered, and news is unstoppable. We are dedicated to providing accurate, unbiased news that breaks through social media censorship and suppression. Our mission is to keep you informed on the most important issues, with stories that matter to your life, your community, and the world. Join us as we challenge the status quo, deliver impactful reporting, and foster a space for open dialogue and critical thinking. Stay informed. Stay empowered. Category: News & Politics #UnfilteredNews #TruthMatters #DailyScrollReport #RealNews #NoCensorship

Werewolf Boy


Hailing from Jakarta, Indonesia, Werewolf Boy is an enigmatic artist whose music seamlessly blends Alternative Grunge, Hip-hop, Rap, and R&B. Born on May 5, 1999, his early exposure to the revolutionary sounds of Linkin Park ignited his passion for music during his middle school years. This early love of music led to forming a high school band, deeply rooted in the grunge scene, where they enjoyed covering Linkin Park's iconic track "Numb." Kicking off his official music career in 2019, Werewolf Boy joined the Indonesian Hip-hop collective "St. Familia," marking the beginning of his journey in the professional music scene. His major breakthrough came with his 2020 hit single “Oh Lord,” under the moniker Gre88, featuring the UK-based artist Cole The VII. The track enjoyed remarkable success with over 20,000 streams on Spotify. Following this, his album "Bruce Wayne" showcased rich production predominantly from local talent in Bandung, reflecting his strong connection to his roots and illustrating his growth as an artist. His influences, including Travis Scott, The Doors, and DMX, weave through his music, creating a rich tapestry that continues to engage and inspire listeners around the globe.

Thiccc Boy


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Random and Boring TV


Science, technology, and the mysterious nature of our planet and universe have always been intertwined. God has given us discovery of the laws of motion to the invention of atomic energy, The tools of science and technology have enabled us to understand and explore our world in ways that were previously impossible. This exploration has opened up a new realm of possibilities for humanity, allowing us to better comprehend the mysterious nature that surrounds us. From using advanced telescopes to study distant galaxies to using artificial intelligence (AI) to understand complex biological systems, science and technology are helping us uncover some of life's greatest mysteries. As we continue to make new discoveries, it is important that we also take time to appreciate the beauty and mystery that lies within our natural world. May the Lord bless you and keep you.