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When Beelzebub, now with a transfigured appearance corresponding to His merits and visible to all, had occupied His usual place, Ahoon, His old servant who had been close to Him during almost the whole of His existence, unexpectedly fell prostrate before Him and in a sincerely entreating voice began to speak: "Sacred Podkoolad of our Great Megalocosmos! Have mercy upon me and pardon me, an unfortunate ordinary three-centered being, for my past disrespectful manifestations, voluntary and involuntary, towards Your Sacred Essence." Have mercy and pardon me: just this three-centered being, who, though he has existed a very long time, yet to his misfortune—only because in his preparatory age nobody aided the crystallization in him of the data for the ability of intensively actualizing being-Partkdolg-duty— had until now been so shortsighted that he had been unable to sense the reality present beneath an exterior with which, according to the common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat, all those existing and newly arising units of the Megalocosmos are coated, who ought to have in their presence that sacred \\\'something\\\' which is called Reason." Having said this, Ahoon stood as if sunk in a stupor of silent expectancy. And Beelzebub, also in silence, gazed at him with a look which, though perceived externally from without was full of love and forgiveness, yet there could be felt in it also His Essence-grief and inevitable resignation. During this afore-described scene, Hassein stood apart in the posture everywhere called the \\\'posture-of-the-all-famous- universal-hermit,\\\' Harnatoolkpararana of the planet Kirmankshana. And when a little bit later Beelzebub cast His eyes around and noticed His grandson in the said posture, He turned to him and said: "What, my boy! Can it be that the same proceeds in your presence as in our old Ahoon\\\'s?"

Talking Tech For Home Based Businesses


Michelle Guinn\\\\\\\'s Talking Tech For Home Based Businesses This channel is dedicated to showing the best digital tools available for home based business owners. We will explore lots of different tools and programs that can help business owners be more productive. Not techy? That\\\\\\\'s OK. This channel has tutorials for beginners and up to help you learn how to use the best programs. About Michelle: Personal Productivity Strategist, Success Mentor, International Speaker, and Coach To Connect With Me: Email:

Investor Talk - Commodities, commodity investments and general daily news


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