Allama Iqbal: The Poet of Khudi and Spiritual Vision

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Allama Iqbal, also known as Sir Muhammad Iqbal, was a prominent Urdu poet, philosopher, and politician from British India. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in Urdu literature and played a crucial role in inspiring the movement for an independent Muslim state in South Asia, which eventually led to the creation of Pakistan. Iqbal's poetry reflects his deep spirituality, love for his homeland, and his quest for self-discovery and empowerment. He addressed themes of social justice, religious revival, and the importance of individual effort in his works. Allama Iqbal's poetry continues to resonate with people across generations, serving as a source of inspiration and a catalyst for intellectual and cultural transformation.

The Inner Oasis | Mental & Spiritual Wellness

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We provide a unique & powerful solution for individuals struggling to overcome life's most debilitating issues: anxiety, depression, PTSD, even suicidal tendencies. We help you understand the root causes of these conditions, while at the same time helping you discover a deep sense of meaning & purpose. If I could convey only one thing to you, it'd be this: Life hasn't abandoned you. Far from it. The answers you've searched for your whole life...actually exist. They're waiting for you! Find them and your experience of life will change in ways you've never imagined. The anxiety, the darkness--it'll all fade away, and in their place will be an understanding of life that is truly breathtaking. ​ I know this is true because it's what happened for me. But it took more than just finding answers... it took a sincere, earnest effort to understand them. Imagine never again fearing the end of the party, or wandering through a bookstore in frantic desperation. It’s a relief beyond measure.