Canadian phase 2 clinical trial, recruiting patients.


C Difficile is a gram positive spore forming bacteria, which can cause severe gut infection. It infects and kills 500,000 and 30,000 North Americans respectively every year. Standard of care treatment is Vancomycin antibiotic, which is effective in 60 to 70% of cases. When unsuccessful, the infection can recur and likeliness of recurrence increases after every treatment failure. Its treatment is considered an unmet medical need by the FDA and as such new treatments showing positive potential are typically fast tracked. ImmuniMed Inc, a Canadian clinical stage Biopharmaceutical company is presently in phase 2 clinical trial of its oral dose antibody treatment and recruiting patients. If you are a Canadian resident, over the age of 18 and have tested positive for c Difficile, please contact us to participate in this trial. John Hare 204-955-8495

Canal Impalavrável


Sabe aquele causo que está nas aerovias mas ninguém tem certeza se aconteceu ou não? Por outro lado têm situações interessantes que aconteceram de verdade e virou uma história boa de contar. Que tal ouvir da boca de quem vivenciou essas histórias? E a segurança dos nossos voos? Será que não vale a pena falar dela? A ideia é transformar a aviação em crônicas curtinhas, boas de se ouvir. Impalavrável é o prazer em ter vc a bordo! Seja bem-vindo! Produção: 7600 Aviation & Communication