Mike Odyssey


Let's become the Greatest Nintendo Community on the Planet 🌍 I'm Mike Odyssey, A Nintendo fan whose life's passion is people, and I'm on a mission to make the most FUN and USEFUL Nintendo videos on the Planet! 🙏 Family Friendly Nintendo-related News, Reviews & Goodies for you to enjoy! I love to dream, inspire, speculate, and look at all of the possibilities in life! Collaborations/Business: Only paid collaborations are accepted during Nov-Dec. Send us an email with details, including budget. Fan Mail or Review Products: 7965 State Rte 50 1000 #142 Groveland, FL 34736 #NintendoChannel #Nintendo #NintendoSwitch #NintendoSwitchOLED #NintendoSwitchLite #FamilyOriented #nintendodirect #Switch2 #NintendoSwitch2 #unboxing #nintendoswitch2 #nintendoswitch