Middle-Aged Muscle Man Musician: Diet, Training and Supplementation


"Middle Aged Muscle Man Musician" (Professor Pump) is a channel created by Don Verb that gives weight training and overall fitness advice, suggested training programs and their results, dietary tips, supplement reviews, exercise descriptions and more. Our target audience is men over the age of 30 but our information is good for just about anyone. As of this writing, it's been just over nine months since I started my fitness journey and I've lost over 60 lbs and built a respectable amount of muscle. You will be following me on my journey and seeing the results in REAL time that my knowledge and effort can achieve. My goal is to SAVE YOU TIME, MONEY and ENERGY ... I've tried nearly everything and seen all of the 'science' proven or disproven since the 90s. I'm 41 Years of Age, with Countless Injuries and Limited Time & Money. Therefore, I'm attempting to prove that REAL muscle building can be done at any age and in any circumstance!

"Rumble Mania – Where Chaos Meets Comedy!"


Welcome to RumbleMania4U! 🎉 The ultimate destination for epic fails, hilarious pranks, viral memes, and non-stop laughter! 😂🔥 From jaw-dropping bloopers to side-splitting stunts, we bring you the craziest, funniest, and most unpredictable moments on the internet. Whether you're into funny clips, fail compilations, or prank wars, we’ve got it all! 📌 Subscribe now and join the riot of laughter! 📢 New funny videos uploaded regularly—don’t miss out! #Comedy #Fails #Pranks #Memes #FunnyClips #RumbleRiot Let me know if you want any tweaks or a different tone! 😃🎬

Rachael Sloan - Divorce Coach for Men


This channel is a resource for men in any stage of separation or divorce. You'll find these videos helpful if you want to: - Have good times with your kids. Be in a healthy and fulfilling relationship with a woman. Don’t take things personally. Advocate for yourself and set clear boundaries with others. - Regain your optimism, enjoy every day and actually look forward to dating and another relationship instead of wondering if it, too, will end. - Be free from your negative thoughts. Feel connected to yourself and others in a meaningful way. Feel confident to be alone or with others. - Have more energy and focus at work. Go through the day not thinking or worrying about your ex. Feel like you belong in the world again. - Stop thinking about your marriage all the time. Have neutral feelings towards your ex-wife and wish her the best. Co-parent in a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect. Date new women without fear, shame or expecting rejection. #divorce #relationshipcoach

Healthy Man Today


Welcome to Healthy Man Today, the ultimate destination for men who want to prioritize their health and wellness. Our channel is dedicated to providing valuable information and advice on everything related to men's health, from fitness and nutrition to mental health and sexual wellness. We believe that every man deserves to lead a healthy and fulfilling life, and we're here to help you achieve just that. Join us on our journey towards optimal health and wellness, and start living your best life today!

The Pi Man


🌟 Hi there! Welcome to the YouTube channel of The Pi Man 🌟 I am currently studying Mathematics at a university here in the Philippines. Although I'm still a student, this won't stop me from sharing my knowledge and love for Math. My channel primarily focuses on creating an organized playlist of various math topics such as algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, calculus, and many more. In addition, I also share several study hacks and math tricks that I personally use when learning math. Lastly, I do 'how to solve' videos, or videos that aim to show solutions to challenging math problems. I hope these videos help you in your studies. Feel free to subscribe to my channel and hit the bell icon to never miss a video 🔔 Have a Pi 💛 Day!

Dezvaluiri cu Iosefina Pascal - BZI Live Romania


Dezvăluiri în cotidianul BZI ("Bună Ziua Iași") făcute de moderatorul Valentin Huțanu la emisiuni video online "BZI Live", alături de invitata online Iosefina Pascal (jurnalistă de investigații independentă, activistă civic și realizatoare de emisiuni radio & tv), despre ceea ce se întâmplă în România, dar și despre dificila realitate internațională, detalii și informații spectaculoase, dincolo de manipulări, fake-news-uri și dezinformări. Cotidianul BZI este numarul 1 în presa ieșeană ! Misiunea noastră este de a informa publicul local, dar și național, cu știri în timp real. Suntem cel mai important ziar al comunității ieșene. Cotidianul BZI ocupă locul 1 în topul ziarelor locale din România și locul 5 în clasamentul tuturor ziarelor din țară. Toate cifrele de audiență ne conferă poziția de cel mai bun cotidian local din România. Doar pe site-ul nostru (www.BZI.ro) găsiți cele mai bune anchete, dezvăluiri, reportaje emoționante și toate știrile în timp real din Iași, din regiunea Moldovei și din România. Vreți să fiți bine informat, citiți "Bună Ziua Iași" ! Ediții ale emisiunii "Dezvaluiri cu Iosefina Pascal - BZI Live" în: - canalul video "Dezvaluiri cu Iosefina Pascal - BZI Live Romania" din site-ul Rumble.com: https://rumble.com/c/c-1883975 - secțiunea Toate video-urile utilizatorului "Dezvaluiri cu Iosefina Pascal - BZI Live Romania" din site-ul Rumble.com: www.rumble.com/user/DezvaluiriIosefinaPascalBZILiveRomania Articolele emisiunilor video de dezvăluiri cu Iosefina Pascal în site-ul cotidianului BZI: www.bzi.ro/?s=Iosefina+Pascal Articole BZI diverse în Google News: https://news.google.com/publications/CAAqBwgKMJP8nwswoIa4Aw?hl=ro&gl=RO&ceid=RO:ro