blind android users podcast


Making Android Speak for itself and demystifying the myth about its accessibility from a blindness perspective! At Blind Android Users, we strive to make Android understandable, thus demystifying the claim by some who continue to perpetuate the myth among unsuspecting blind folks that Android isn’t usable by the blind. For this reason, Blind Android Users exist to set the record straight and provide tools, tutorials (in both written and audio) via our weekly podcast (Blind Android Users Podcast) where we go through what Android is all about and how to use it as a blind or visually impaired person. Android is the world’s biggest mobile platform and at Blind Android Users, we intend to make it possible for blind and visually impaired people to fully take advantage of the platform.

Neil Cross Subliminals


Vocalist, Graphic Designer & Subliminals Content Creator (Science & Technology). Hello, my name is Thiago Roda and I am brazilian. I started studying biokinesis and subliminals at the end of 2014, after listening a lot to them, and perceiving that they really works, when we give right dedication. They changed a lot my prospective of life. So I decided to help out people creating some subliminal gifts, plz enjoy its effects! I love to sing and I hope you like the catch of the songs I wanted to cover the vocals. (Neil Cross Metal) on YT! #Biokinesis (plz read description on Playlist Section) #Subliminals #Frequencies #Meditations Yours truly, Neil Cross Subliminals SOME OF THE VIDEO Animations By: AA VFX - PLZ ACCESS HERE Songs By; YouTube Content Creators. Rights Reserved. * ONLY PAID REQUESTS by PAYPAL! * Subliminal Requests Please Contact at: Subject As Urgent! or Instagram DM @ncsubliminals

Thin Blue Line TV Show Verified


Welcome to Thin Blue Line TV, powered by Red Voice Media\nMy name is Ray Dietrich\nformer lawman \nfighting the false narrative \n \nTBLTV shows the truth of what law enforcement officers in America face each and every day.\n \nYou can catch the livestream on Facebook in the afternoon, or watch the show at once it’s posted.\n \nWe are constantly battling big tech, so please help us out by visiting our site, following our social, and sharing our content.\n

Blind Man Audits


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" Edmund Burke I am a citizen journalist and First Amendment Auditor peacefully exercising my rights to film in public and in publicly accessible areas of public buildings in the Greater Denver, Colorado metropolitan area. I am not an attorney, and am unable to provide legal advice. My content is made to entertain and inform. If you guys think there is a public agency that needs an audit you can email me st Make a donation to support my travel and legal costs.$BlindMan1A Get my camera on Amazon Amazon pays a small commission for anything you buy. If you want to reach out to discuss business opportunities with me email BMA Geer Store