Temple of Solomon Deep Dive Down the Rabbit Hole

1 Follower

Deeper Dive Deep Drive Down the Rabbit Hole: The Temple of Solomon 605 B.C. - 587 B.C., Between these dates the Shekinah Glory of the Lord departed from the Holy of Holies and the Ark of the Covenant in Solomon's Temple. Blood sacrifice officially ended by Jehovah. 63 B.C., Grecian Empire conquered by Rome. 1 B.C., Luke 2:1 All the world should be taxed. (Render therefore unto Caesar). 1 A.D., The Christ is born. The Kingdom is at hand. (And the rise of the Sanhedrin to power). 1620 A.D., The Mayflower landed in the New World with Bibles from 1611. 2001 A.D., September 11 Attacks and the National September 11 Memorial 9/11. 2023 A.D., October 7 Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. 2024 A.D., Operation Bedrock: Jesus is the Third Temple. Jesus is the Kingdom of Heaven, but the Zionists want their own Third Temple with blood sacrifices. Meetn Video Call Every Wednesday 7:00 PM EST URL meetn.com/cla

Rabbit's Journey

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🐰🐰 Hello! Welcome to our channel!! We bring you cool stories about rabbit adventures! Channel Purpose🐰🐰 Every video clip on our channel will present stories about rabbit adventures in various forms. The main theme or main character of our channel is rabbits, but we will present ideas, morals, helping animals, doing good deeds to create a good feeling and thought for those who watch clips from our channel. Subscribe to our channel to receive more stories! Thank you! 🐰🐰

PJAY Rabbitry SA

1 Follower

Here, we specialize in raising rabbits for both meat production and as pets. Our channel is dedicated to sharing our knowledge and experience in rabbit farming. Whether you're interested in producing high-quality rabbit meat or looking for adorable pet rabbits, we cover it all. We also offer comprehensive training and guidelines for anyone looking to start their own rabbitry. Learn from our successes and challenges as we guide you through the essentials of rabbit care, breeding, and farm management. Join us on our journey to promote the benefits of rabbit farming and discover the joys of raising these wonderful animals!