

Sesje Telepatyczne Informacyjno-Badawcze „Andromeda i Nowa Ziemia” (do 2020 roku „Andromeda Ujawnienie”). Dzielę się z Wami mili widzowie fragmentami sesji telepatycznych, jakie przeprowadzam od wielu lat. Być może zainspirują Was w waszym rozumieniu rzeczywistości. Zdolności telepatii połączonej z wewnętrznym widzeniem, intuicji oraz wysoki poziom empatii odkryłam w sobie i doskonalę od 1990 roku. Poszerzam moje zrozumienie rzeczywistości, świata subtelnego i ludzkich możliwości, dzięki osobistym doświadczeniom, codziennej praktyce medytacji, a także zdobytym kwalifikacją oraz doświadczeniu w kilkudziesięciu metodach uzdrawiania ( Bioenergoterapia, Hipnoza regresyjna, Ustawienia Rodzinne). \r\n„Zawsze otrzymujemy znacznie więcej niż to, co dajemy\' - David R. Hawkins. \r\nKontakt: \r\n

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Welcome to the official YouTube channel of Aremo Toluwalope Jeremiah A.K.A (Jerry Music Studio)! On this channel, you will discover the next generation of talented artists and their music. As a passionate music lover, Aremo Toluwalope Jeremiah is committed to helping emerging artists showcase their talent and reach a wider audience. Through our video content, we aim to bring you the best new music from around the world, featuring artists from diverse backgrounds and genres. We believe that music has the power to connect people, inspire change, and transform lives, and our channel is dedicated to promoting the positive impact of music on our society. We encourage you to join our community and engage with us through comments, likes, and shares. Contract me on to stay updated Thank you for supporting Aremo Toluwalope Jeremiah A.K.A (Jerry Music Studio) and our mission to showcase young talented artists on this channel.

How To Make Money Online


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Quran In Urdu


The Quran is the central religious text of Islam and is believed by Muslims to be the word of God as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad over a period of 23 years. It is composed of 114 chapters, or surahs, which vary in length and cover a wide range of topics including theology, morality, guidance for personal conduct, and stories of previous prophets. The Quran is written in classical Arabic, and its language is considered to be divinely inspired and of unparalleled beauty and eloquence. It is divided into verses, or ayahs, which are the individual units of the text. There are approximately 6,236 verses in the Quran. The Quran emphasizes the oneness of God, known as Tawhid, and teaches the fundamental principles of monotheism, such as the belief in God's attributes, His mercy, and His justice. It provides guidance on various aspects of life, including moral values, social justice, family life, business ethics, and personal spirituality. The Quran contains stories and examples from the lives of previous prophets and civilizations, such as Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and many others, offering lessons and insights for believers. It encourages believers to seek knowledge, engage in self-reflection, and strive for personal and societal improvement. It emphasizes the importance of reason and critical thinking. The Quran is considered a miracle in its linguistic style, as it challenged the Arabic-speaking people of its time to produce anything comparable. Its literary and poetic qualities have been appreciated by scholars and poets throughout history. The Quran is highly revered by Muslims, who recite it in their daily prayers, study its teachings, and strive to live their lives in accordance with its principles. It is regarded as a source of spiritual guidance, wisdom, and divine revelation.