Therapeutic massage


Therapeutic massage Therapeutic massage is a type of massage that improves the body's overall health and contributes to alleviating the pain of some health conditions. Therapeutic massage includes applying pressure, the degree of which may vary depending on the patient's condition or desire, as high pressure is not a condition of therapeutic massage. During therapeutic massage, more emphasis is placed on the soft tissues of the body, which include the muscles, tendons, and ligaments that move and support the body.

Therapeutic Music


For science, there is no doubt that music has an impact on emotions, behavior and, ultimately, even the health of each of us. When we play an instrument or listen to a recording, several areas of the brain are stimulated. Few intellectual activities have such a wide-ranging effect. There are several benefits that can be provided by music therapy. I have listed the main scientifically proven ones below: • Develop sensorimotor skills; • Promote better guidance and attention; • Develop memory; • Develop interpretation and communication skills; • Improve integrative and group skills; • Develop the capacity for interpersonal intimacy; • Contribute to pain relief; • Combat stress and depression; • Decrease anxiety; • Increase respiratory capacity; • Stimulate motor coordination; • Control blood pressure; • Improve behavior disorders.



Please down/upload the content and video to YouTube and send the link. Title: Father & Son Tree + Landscaping Services Description: Father & Son Tree + Landscaping Services Phone: (201) 563-2988 "Father & Son Tree + Landscaping Services is a fully licensed and insured professional company that services homes located in New Jersey. Servicing Hudson, Bergen, Sussex, Middlesex, Somerset, Union, Passaic, Warren, Hunterdon and Morris County. Affordable Tree Trimming, Tree Removal, Pruning, Deadwood Removal, Stump Grinding, Lawn Care / Maintenance, Gardening, Sod Installation, Mulching and more“. Bucket Truck Crews and Climbing Crews. We specialize in proper pruning of grand oaks and removal of hazardous and dead trees with an Emergency Service Available." -- Can we connect? Thanks, Jack Bosma Vmailer Vublisher to add as a Zoom Client contact. "Inspect what you expect."

CuratingTheFall's Rumble


I am user radi0sack 👋😎 and I occasionally will create original video content, but I do far more clip curations, comedic edits/compilations as well as mirroring content from other users if I find them important, or just want to promote creators who I respect. I initially started on the Odysee platform (under same channel name), but as the cultural shift continues to ease up on censorship, I am now slowly building up my video archive here on Rumble, as well as Brighteon, and soon, may also do Bitchute (maybe). However, at least for the time being, only my Odysee channel has my full catalog until I catch up on uploading here. My Odysee also has the extended, more detailed channel bio, so check that if you're interested in learning more about me.