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Cosmologia Biblica


Seja bem vindo à Cosmologia Bíblica. Neste canal você terá uma nova experiência com as escrituras sagradas. Uma interpretação bíblica à luz da real cosmovisão do nosso plano terrestre. Te convido a contemplar a palavra do criador dos céus e da terra dando mais credibilidade aos escritos deixados através de muito sacrifício. Adorar único e exclusivamente à YHWH o Deus criador que enviou seu único filho Cristo o Messias para resgatar a humanidade da condenação eterna. Ednardo Sabino

Bible - Inspiration and Preservation


This study is on the Bible, its Inspiration and more importantly its Preservation. This study is so important to Christianity today because the Bible is under attack. Each Christian who attends a Bible Study and experiences the issue when you have those in attendance read scripture and they don\'t have the same Bible. In newer Bibles some verse have been omitted or reworded because they have been created from "a better manuscript", which is the explanation that is given for the omission or change. Wayne will look at what has happened to the text of the Bible. This study will review the history of the Bible and the major players involved in producing two lines of manuscript thereby fundamentally creating only two bibles. The result of this study will be that you will know which version has been preserved to reflect the inspiration of the original text.

You can buy: crosses & crucifixes, Christian Jewelry, rosary, candles, bible incenses and oils, bracelets, nativity scenes, christian sets, icons.


Our store has a wide range of Christian products & gifts. You can buy: crosses & crucifixes, Christian Jewelry, rosary, candles, bible incenses and oils, bracelets, nativity scenes, christian sets, icons. Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims come to Jerusalem every year. However, not everyone can afford such a trip for a number of reasons: there is no time or opportunity. We work hard to ensure that you receive the highest quality Christian goods right from the heart of the Holy Land. Products from the Holy Land will make your home atmosphere more comfortable and your mood will become godly and joyful