Journey to Tranquility: Embrace Peace with [CaLmInG]


Indulge in a realm of tranquility where the gentle pitter-patter of raindrops lulls you into a peaceful slumber & the crackling warmth of a fireplace creates the perfect ambiance for unwinding with a book or focusing on your studies. At [CaLmInG], we understand the importance of finding moments of calm in today's fast-paced world. Immerse yourself in our carefully curated collection of videos featuring natural landscapes paired with most soothing sounds nature has to offer. Whether you seek respite from a hectic day or crave a moment of relaxation. Allow yourself to be transported to lush forests, serene beaches, and cozy cabins, where every scene is meticulously crafted to evoke a sense of harmony and rejuvenation. Join our growing community of relaxation enthusiasts and embark on a journey to rediscover the art of tranquility. Subscribe now and let [CaLmInG] be your companion on the path to inner peace and well-being.

Máquinas para uma fabricação inteligente


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Antique Electronics, Automotive, Firearms


A place for Vacuum tube electronic repair and troubleshooting, such as HI-FI amplifiers like Dynaco or guitar amps such as Fender. Also restoration of antique electronics gear, mostly Heathkit. On my channel you'll also find lots of Ham radio related videos as well as Motorcycle repair on Yamaha VSTAR 650 and 1100's and Harley Davidson. Delorean and air cooled VW repair videos as well. Black power firearms including percussion and flintlock.