Kritische Aufklärung über Organtransplantation e.V.

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KAO ist eine Initiative, gegründet von Eltern, die ihre verunglückten Kinder zur Organspende freigegeben haben, ohne die Hintergründe zu diesem Zeitpunkt genau genug zu kennen. Erst nachdem unsere Kinder beerdigt waren, haben wir begriffen, wozu wir ja gesagt hatten. Wir haben begriffen, dass lebende Organe nicht von Menschen entnommen werden können, die so tot sind, wie wir es uns vorgestellt hatten. Wir haben unsere Entscheidung daher bitter bereut. Durch unsere Zustimmung waren unsere Kinder in ihrem Sterbeprozess, in dem sie unserer besonderen Liebe bedurften, ungeschützt allein gelassen und einer Organentnahme überantwortet, die uns hinterher wie das Ausschlachten eines Autowracks erschien. In dieser Situation haben wir uns entschlossen, durch Aufklärung dazu beizutragen, dass andere Eltern unter ähnlichen Umständen davor bewahrt werden, unvorbereitet wie wir mit der Frage der Organspende konfrontiert zu werden. IMPRESSUM siehe

Empower your potential and transform your life.

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At BestHabits, we believe that self-improvement is the key to unlocking a fulfilling and purposeful life. Our videos are carefully crafted to provide you with practical insights, expert advice, and actionable strategies that will propel you towards your goals. Whether you're seeking to develop a growth mindset, boost your confidence, improve your productivity, or enhance your relationships, our content covers a wide range of self-improvement topics to meet your needs.

"Transformative Ideas: Empowering Minds Through TEDTalks4U"

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Welcome to TEDTalks4U, the channel that brings you the best ideas worth spreading! TEDTalks4U is your gateway to a world of enlightening and thought-provoking talks from the most brilliant minds of our time. We curate a diverse collection of TED Talks that cover a wide range of topics, including science, technology, art, psychology, business, and much more. Our mission is to inspire, educate, and empower viewers like you to explore new ideas, challenge conventional thinking, and ignite positive change in the world. Through our carefully selected talks, we aim to spark curiosity, foster empathy, and encourage critical thinking. Join us as we delve into groundbreaking research, innovative concepts, and personal stories that offer fresh perspectives on the issues that matter most. From exploring the mysteries of the universe to unraveling the complexities of the human mind, TEDTalks4U is your front-row seat to the cutting edge of knowledge and innovation. But TEDTalks4U is more than just a channel. It's a vibrant community of passionate individuals who are eager to engage in meaningful conversations. Connect with like-minded viewers, share your insights, and be part of a global network of change-makers who are committed to making a difference. So, whether you're seeking inspiration, seeking answers, or simply seeking to expand your horizons, TEDTalks4U is here to guide you on an extraordinary journey of discovery. Prepare to be captivated, challenged, and inspired as we explore the ideas that shape our world and inspire us to create a better future together.