The School Stationery

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Hello || Welcome all of you. In my rumble channel The School Stationery..... I will make available all the things related to education to your homes here. And you will also find new items here. That too in your simple language Hindi... So let's buy something new together. Something new that too in a very easy way and you just have to help me a little so that I can always bring such videos for you. Friends related to education, come and join us and become a member of our family. So that you can get our videos first. For this you don't have to like, share and subscribe my video. And if you like the video, don't forget to comment. So that I can make more such videos for you guys. Please like, share, comment and subscribe thanks ||

Mindfulness for University Students

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Empowering Students Through Mindfulness Meditation. School of Kamma empowers university students through mindfulness content designed to promote positive mental wellbeing and self-care. We do this by: 🌱 Producing accessible mindfulness resources designed to empower young people 🌱 Helping university students overcome isolation, stress, anxiety, and social pressures 🌱 Promoting Inter-university community building to reduce #loneliness & increase #belonging Our values: 🌈 #kindness 🌈 #inclusivity 🌈 #non-judgement UK University Student? Connect with our Community! 🌏 Facebook: Support Us: 🪴 🪴 🪴 Find Out More 👇 Follow Us on Socials

Tai Chi and Qigong School Verified

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Demonstrations live classes and instructional videos.Chief instructor, Konrad Dorn began studying Tai Chi in 1979 and has been teaching since 1998; he has made several trips to China and has trained in the famous Chen family village. Konrad has trained under Grand Master Liu De-Ming, Grand Master Wu Bin and Masters Li Yong Liang, Wu Shi-Zheng and Howard Choy. Konrad has won 1st place three times for Tai Chi Sword in the National Tai Chi and Wushu Championships and in 2006 was a judge and coach at the National Championships. To make a donation or payment you can use the details below. Thank you for your support. Now on Patreon: Make a donation; Pay any amount

Cooking School

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Skvělé recepty, spousta vychytávek ve videích. Jednoduchá a rychlá večeře, zajímavý snack, rychlovky, precizní postupy, fine dining i retro vaření. Copycat recepty známých fastfoodů a taky trochu světového streetfood. Dezerty, buchty, zákusky z kategorie - sakra, do toho se mi nechce, i z kategorie - šup šup, už to bude brzo na stole. Běžné, supervychytané recepty, které vždy fungují i pro náročné strávníky, ale i tipy a rady, jak si udělat perfektní restaurační jídlo. Sem tam i nějaká ta recenze potraviny, obchodu, restaurace nebo vhodných přístrojů, které ulehčí práci. Tohle všechno a ještě něco navíc s jednou trefenou a vždy skvěle naladěnou blondýnou, co nejde pro peprný výraz daleko a nebojí se okořenit nejen jídlo, ale i vaření a natáčená videa. Pokud se rád/a bavíš a ještě se k tomu něco nového naučíš, tak si mě pusť k sobě do počítače, telefonu, televize a tabletu... Jen dva prstíčky strčíme a už nikdy nepůjdeme :-D. Dej si odběr, nebudeš litovat. Těším se na tebe ♥♥♥

Where learning and fun merge!

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We all wish for our children to look back on their childhood with fondness and even a feeling a magic. Why is it, then, that we get sucked into this fast-paced culture's way of pushing our kids to be little adults? We want them to be the best, smartest, most responsible and productive... but then where is room for pure childhood? I have gotten sucked into this myself. Several times. Mom guilt never gives up on making us feel inadequate. Am I right? But I keep coming back to my ‘why’. I want my relationship with my kids to be at the core of our homeschool. I want them to want to chase curiosity; to actually think it is fun to pursue knowledge for a lifetime. I have a 7 year old and 3 year old. They are both moving targets, which means I am constantly changing my approach, but with more people now than ever entering the homeschool space, I thought I would share what works for our family!

High School Basketball Officials Video Training

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he Officials Institute is set up for basketball officials, and anyone else interested, in learning the proper interpretation and application of basketball rules at the high school level. Using NFHS rules, we provide easy to watch, well annotated videos targeting specific rules within the game of basketball. It is our hope that creating these clips that are broken down by annotations and graphics to explain what is actually happening and how the rules would apply specifically in the given game situation, will assist the way officials think about similar plays in their future games and provide more consistency among basketball officials across the country.