Footloose Fancy Free


Hi, Welcome to my channel! Here we offer a unique blend of travel inspiration, practical hospitality insights, and positive well-being strategies to live your Best Life! Please like and Follow me for regular updates, and feel free to Share my videos or leave a Comment below. -Thank you for watching! Disclosure and Transparency: This channel contains affiliate links. This means I may earn a commission if you click on a link and make a purchase. However, this does not influence my product recommendations. My honest opinion is always my priority.

Sandeep Maheshwari


Sandeep Maheshwari is a name among millions who struggled, failed and surged ahead in search of success, happiness and contentment. Just like any middle class guy, he too had a bunch of unclear dreams and a blurred vision of his goals in life. All he had was an undying learning attitude to hold on to. Rowing through ups and downs, it was time that taught him the true meaning of his life. Watch Sandeep Maheshwari's NEW videos before everyone else on SMtv at To know more, log on to

Word Magic Global


My name is Laurel Airica and I am the creator of WordMagic Global. As an Inspirational Educational Entertainer, I offer a revolutionary re-introduction to the English Language, the Power of the Word, the language-based Nature of Reality, and how we can literally Use the Word for the World’s ReCreation. The ultimate message my work conveys is that English, as the leading software of the Western mind, is filled with cultural biases akin to computer viruses that undermine our thinking and reasoning power. However, we can –– collectively, consciously and creatively –– upgrade English to a higher frequency to inspire the Best instead of the Beast in us all. By so doing, we will help facilitate our essential evolution from humankind to humankindness. © 2023 Laurel Airica For writing-editing services:

The Yass Method For Pain-Free Movement


This is the channel for Dr Mitchell Yass, DPT. I am the founder of the Yass method. It is the only true method designed to properly diagnose and treat pain. This channel is designed to enlighten all who seek the truth about what is causing their pain and how to resolve the cause. The existing medical model of using MRIs to identify structural variations as the cause of pain is baseless. The key to identifying the cause of symptoms is to understand the body's presentation of symptoms. This the the way that the body is trying to create awareness of a tissue in distress so an intervention can be performed to resolve the distress of the tissue. Once resolved the body no longer has to emit the symptoms and they cease. This channel is dedicated to debunking all false assertions by the medical establishment and provide declarative proof that the Yass method can successfully diagnose the cause of pain or other symptoms in an effective timely manner.