The Heavenly Tabernacle


I’m working on my 4th book called, “The Heavenly Tabernacle” in which I’m advocating a new, or let’s say “less explored” grand theme of the book of Revelation. So many Bible scholars and students of eschatology focus on the unraveling of mysteries; such as the meaning of the number 666, or who, when and where the beast might be. I will be arguing that these end times enthusiasts are completely missing the grand theme of the book . . . that the book of Revelation is about worship, and more specifically, worship in the Heavenly Tabernacle. There are 10 celebrations of worship throughout the Book of Revelation, and after each celebration, something remarkable happens. Just as there were 10 plagues in the Exodus account until Pharaoh let the people of Israel go, the enemies of God are driven out of their strongholds and judged through the course of these 10 celebrations of worship. I’m interested in discussing this theme and a number of sub topics that flow out of the premise, such as: what and why is the Millennial Kingdom?, When is the Rapture?, and who are the 144,000. Any opinions, objections, criticisms along the way are welcome.

Heavenly Blue


A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. - Proverbs 17:22 A gathering of goyim chads and religious thugs chaperoning you through your spiritual journey. Heavenly Blue is an archive of the Keeg's conversations and vlogs which differ from being hilarious, satirical, thought-provoking, helpful and/or enlightening. The short-term goal is to spread some laughter and information, while the long-term goal is to create the foundation of a Christian self-reliant community where can all support each other through this test we call life.