

感謝大家支持 『鹽值攻略 PHC-Project Hip Christian』 一年了 去年我們有了 超過三千個訂閱人數 還有一萬多個小時的觀看時間 遠遠超過了我們的目標 希望大家今年也可以繼續支持我們 把我們的影片傳出去 讓更多人可以認識我們的神 今年的目標是 三萬個訂閱人數 然後我們可以透過 youtube 有足夠的資金可以捐給 其他想要有自己的事工的人 如果想要透過我們的頻道推廣你的產品 或著是 想要跟我們一起合作的廠商 歡迎跟我們連繫 請 郵電至 projecthipchristian@gmail.com

Tuning In Podcast with Marclair Project


The Tuning In Podcast with Marclair Project is hosted by J. Wells and Mixman Shawn. Marclair Project is a creative multi media group with Mixman Shawn & J.Wells. They create digital art, music, & The Tuning In Podcast With Marclair Project. Mixman Shawn was born in Punjab India and moved to the Bay Area California in 1998. J.Wells was born and raised in the Bay Area California and the two of them became friends at a young age. The friendship was forged on a passion for music and technology. Marclair Project began at Mixman Shawn's apartment on Marclair Drive in Concord, CA. Join in for a fun discussion on a wide range of topics, current events, and special guests interviews. The 3P's of Marclair Project are People - Planet - Progress. Thank you for subscribing to our channel.

The Gold PheniX Project


The Gold Phenix Project is the study and adventure of frequencies, sound, and vibration... The energy behind them and how they affect their surroundings and interact with all elements known and unknown in a rhythmic pattern and harmony... Even our hearts and minds, every part of us down to every cell, and all things radiate frequency and vibration at some energy level... Gravity, magnetism, electricity, light, color, images, sound waves, radio waves, microwaves, X-rays, planetary resonance frequencies, lunar frequencies, 5G, portals and even other dimensions all interact with neutral, positive or negatively charged photons, atoms, molecules, and unknown elements (Dark matter?) that connect through space and time from one end of the unknown universe to the other in a relative, immediate, harmonic, balanced, rhythmic, pattern of frequency, sound and vibration through elements and open space, and every spectrum of light... Which creates and is the code for the matrix we live in and experience each and every day, past present and future... Experience what you want to, because you can!!! Create the existence you wish to experience-Wish it, Will it, Feel it, Get it... Get up and just travel and go there, to THAT place... Don't let the fear, lies, conspiracy, cover ups, bullshit, and confusion you think you are aware of, create the experience for you... Or beware, you will likewise manifest the opposite of what you might wish for... Don't be THAT guy and don't go THERE, to THAT place... Get it? With a little help and inspiration from connected realms, I have created these audio tracks in multiple frequencies with many dynamics, tones, sub tones and in a wide array of variations as this project unfolds... There are DNA messages encoded in the frequencies, they don't want you to know this... You are a transmitter and an antenna receiver... Energy flows through... Tesla figured this out without anyone telling him the keys he has given us, WE CAN ALL be led by energy and spirit and gain one mindedness, focus, intuition, and control... Retrain your mind with self hypnosis and frequency, gain focus and one mindedness, calm nerves and change habits like quitting smoking, negative thoughts, procrastination or losing weight... How about cell regeneration and healing qualities?? Not to mention DNA upgrades, yes there is more to this than you think... Yea, that's what I said, DNA upgrades AND extensions... Different frequencies do have different effects, and focused multiple frequencies, Well... We will get to that soon enough... Alt energy?? Hmmm... Much of my own life, highs and lows, struggles and victories, and lessons learned is some of the content here on this channel... Where I was, am, and will be in the future... I am still very on my path myself, learning everyday how to navigate and make the best use of these power structures, connections, and abilities... This project really never ends... Parts of this project take place in the past, with effects, results, and known conclusions... Parts of this project take place in the now moment, or the present!!! To reflect, set up and demonstrate the parts of this project that extend into the future to prove a point and make it all clear and obvious for anyone who wishes to know... It is clear and obvious to me now at this point that my existence here is to help teach and connect others and share my knowledge, talents and abilities, and focused energy to manifest harmony in all of nature and all of mankind... My goal is to help humanity and reveal important secrets that are holding us back... We are going to have some fun and play some games with time and the future... I will demonstrate manifestation techniques in real time and observe real time results... We are going to need as many volunteers and participants as we can get from every corner of the globe and from every background, race, or ideology to prove this works for anyone at any time...

Cultura Truth Project


Cultura Truth Project is a Bilingual-Spanglish podcast interviewing content creators, personalities, and experts in different areas, exposing the "Truth" behind the internet's most trending topics. Cultura Truth Project is GMTV's flagship show, showcasing content creators from all backgrounds while representing the U.S. Latin culture to millions of viewers. Gonzalez Media TV is a platform with a variety of content, interviews, and Podcasts. Focusing on the Latin American, and Spanglish-speaking community in the U.S., we are a fully Bilingual Channel showcasing creators from all walks of life and genres. As Latinos, Caribeños, and Hispanos, we all have diverse areas of interest that we can all share and learn from, expanding knowledge and changing the narrative of what it means to be a content creator.

Project Nightfall: Embarking on Epic Adventures Under the Shroud of Darkness"


"Welcome to Project Nightfall, where we delve into the mysteries of the night and embark on thrilling journeys into the unknown. Join us as we explore the hidden wonders, uncover the secrets of the dark, and share epic adventures under the shroud of nightfall. From breathtaking landscapes to intriguing nocturnal creatures, our channel is your portal to the captivating world that awakens when the sun sets. Subscribe now and be part of our nighttime escapades!"