King James Bible 1611 Ministries Nederland - KJV NL - Marco Kok


King James Bible 1611 Ministries Nederland is gewijd aan: 1. Het evangelie van de Heer Jezus Christus prediken, te vinden in de pagina’s van de King James Version. (Acts 26:22-29, 1 Corinthians 1:18-21) 2. Bijbelgetrouwe doctrines onderwijzen. (2 Timothy 2:15, 2 Timothy 2:2) 3. Het verdedigen van de perfectie van de King James Bible 1611, God’s Heilig geschreven woord. (Ephesians 6:10-20) 4. Het vertalen van belangrijk Bijbel studie materiaal voor onze Nederlandse broeders en zusters. (2 Timothy 1:8) 5. Het zijn van een medewerker, strijdende de goede strijd van het geloof, en belijdende een goede belijdenis voor vele getuigen. (1 Timothy 6:12)

Bonati Spine Institute Verified


The Bonati Spine Institute is where advanced spine surgery began over 35 years ago. It has become a world destination for people suffering with chronic pain from bulging spinal discs, herniated discs, pinched nerves, spinal stenosis, foraminal narrowing, bone spurs, whiplash, degenerative disc disease, facet disease, spondylolisthesis. Dr. Alfred O. Bonati invented, developed and perfected the Bonati Spine Procedures. Since then our team of surgeons, personally trained by Dr. Bonati, have performed more than 75,000 successful spinal procedures. Decades of innovation and dedication have resulted in more than a 98.75% patient satisfaction rate.

Just My Opinion


Hello, this is S.A. And no, not the Hispanic version of Ese. This channel aims to get off my chest a few things that soap and water can't handle. I'll try not to bore you too much, honestly. It's just that sometimes I see and hear things that make me sad, angry, perplexed or all of the above. After that, I just can't keep my opinion to myself. And if you can tolerate what I have to say, okay. But if not, well, that's okay too. I'm just using this medium as a passive form of therapy. In order to keep myself sane in a world that seems to have forgotten what that means. Well, that's all I have to say about the purpose of this channel. So, if I don't get curb stomp by some gangbangers you'll be hearing from me soon.