Father X: How Fathers Can Win Child Custody


If you're a father fighting for custody of your kids in family court, then you've come to the right place. Is divorce court treating you like a second class citizen with inferior parenting rights to your children? I'm creating this educational series to help dads like you prepare for family court. I'm a dad who won my child custody case and became our son's primary custodial parent. It took extraordinary effort. I know how easy it is to feel like it's hopeless. So I'm going public and telling you the strategies I used in my child custody case and what I learned, so you can get up to speed quickly. Fathers, you need to plan, plan, plan, for your custody case. Or else you get steamrolled. You're not a second class citizen. You have equal rights to parent your child. But you need to fight just to be considered equal. Please like, share, and subscribe so you can get videos as I release them. ***For those that prefer to get my content in the form of downloadable PDF eBooks, you can get them on Lemon Squeezy: fatherx.lemonsqueezy.com ***Please support the Channel by donating via the Paypal or Venmo links below: paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=6CMANW674KT74 account.venmo.com/u/FatherX2022 ***If you want to meet via zoom, you can schedule a time on my calendly link: calendly.com/fatherx/30minutes Disclaimer: I am not your lawyer. And I am not a lawyer. My videos, presentations, eBooks, and content are for informational purposes and do not contain or convey specific advice. It should not be used or relied upon for any particular situation or circumstance without first consulting an appropriate advisor. In no way should this information be construed or relied upon as legal or operational advice. You should consult with your own counsel and other subject matter experts. I’m a Father who overcame the incompetence and gender discrimination of family court. I encourage you to review my entire educational series, to get the bigger picture. And I encourage you to do additional research, outside of what I provide you.

Al Qalam


The Al Qalam channel is dedicated to spreading knowledge and awareness about Islam, covering various aspects such as faith, spirituality, history, Quranic teachings, Hadith, and Islamic lifestyle. The channel often features lectures, reminders, motivational talks, and explanations from scholars to help Muslims and non-Muslims better understand the religion. Content may include discussions on Islamic values, morality, worship practices, prophetic traditions, and contemporary issues from an Islamic perspective.

Funny Cat video


This is one of the funniest cat videos you will ever see. This well loved house has seen better days, but that just makes it more charming. With character, this house begs to be revisited. As with all properties, there are things you'll love and things you may not like about this one, but no matter what there's something magical about it that just begs to be explored. Take a humorous walk through a home that's seen better days but is still full of personality. Sit on the porch swing and watch the cats play in the yard or take a relaxing bath in the cozy tub. There is plenty of space for all your needs here, and if you're looking for an escape from reality this might be just what you're looking for!

Yemen War 2015-2022 air raids


On March 26, 2015, with the beginning of the Saudi Arabian air strikes, the civil war in Yemen war changed to be a war with international participation. Saudi Arabia and the United States are equally involved in this war and equally responsible for its escalation. The United States (and in their wake Germany, Britain and France as well) have armed Saudi Arabia for decades. The US also is giving political support to Saudi Arabia in this conflict as well as military support: By intelligence and logistics, with tank aircrafts and with its own fleet. By this way, the US actively promotes war, mass murder and destruction. On the contrary, the US could end the Saudi attacks by a firm stance and by an arms boycott. This channel shows films reporting the Saudi coalition air raids. More info and photos at http://poorworld.net/YemenWar.htm Deutsch: Aus dem Bürgerkrieg im Jemen ist seit dem 26. März 2015, dem Beginn der saudi-arabischen Luftangriffe, ein Krieg mit internationaler Beteiligung geworden. Saudi-Arabien und die USA sind gleichermaßen in diesen Krieg involviert und für seine Eskalation verantwortlich. Die USA (und in ihrem Schlepptau etwa auch Frankreich, Großbritannien und Deutschland) haben Saudi-Arabien über Jahrzehnte aufgerüstet. Die USA unterstützt Saudi-Arabien in diesem Konflikt politisch und militärisch: Mit Aufklärung und Logistik, mit Tankflugzeugen sowie der eigenen Flotte. So treiben die USA den Krieg, Massenmord und Zerstörung aktiv voran. Im Gegenteil könnten die USA die saudischen Angriffe durch eine eindeutige Haltung und einen Rüstungsboykott beenden. Dieser Kanal zeigt Flime, die über die Luftangriffe der Saudi-Koalition berichten. Mehr Infos und Fotos unter http://poorworld.net/YemenWar.htm

MrBeast ✔️


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