Jim Green Footwear


Jim Green Footwear was born out of humble beginnings, in a back-yard garage in 1992, with the idea in mind of making a boot that lasts and lasts. It wasn’t long before Jim Green had gained a reputation among local communities, living up to its’ name of being tough, rugged, and able to go the distance, eventually becoming a household name across South Africa. Jim Green is not only hand made in South Africa, but all components are also locally sourced. With an unemployment rate of 35%, it is important to us to support our local people and economy. Our factory is run in an ethical manner and we pride ourselves on bringing you the best value for money footwear, while at the same time living up to our name. Today, Jim Green is still one of South Africa’s favorite adventure and work wear footwear brands, being worn by large and small corporations and remains a local favorite among the farming and hiking communities. Durability – Comfort – Quality #myjimgreens

Beautiful scenery


This channel is a portal to the most breathtaking sights nature has to offer. Every video shared on this platform is a window into the world's most awe-inspiring natural landscapes, from majestic mountain ranges to tranquil lakes and rivers. The footage is always captured with an artist's eye, showcasing the unique beauty of each location in stunning high-definition. As you watch these videos, you'll feel like you're being transported to a different world, one where the majesty of nature reigns supreme. With each video you'll discover a new corner of the world that you may have never known existed, and be left with a renewed appreciation for the wonders of our planet.



#HEALTHGREENWORLD #HGW #HGWPerú 👉SÉ UN PIONERO POSICIONATE EN TU PAÍS CON #HEALTHGREENWORLD El grupo HEALTH GREEN WORLD cuenta con más de 26 años de actividades en Europa y Asia; y ahora en el año 2021, entra al mercado de Latinoamérica como HGW (HEALTH GREEN WORLD), aplicando una estrategia de Marketing Multinivel o lo que se conoce como Mercadeo de redes. ¿Te imaginas ser parte de este negocio a nivel mundial? 🌐MAS INFO Y REGISTROS: https://hgwmundial.com/ 📱WHATSAPP https://bit.ly/37G8Ps5 🌐PRODUCTOS: https://hgwmundial.com/shop/ 👉Te estamos buscando para formar un equipo, te brindamos todas las herramientas necesarias para emprender con #HGW #HGWPerú #HGWAmazonas #HGWAncash #HGWHuancayo #HGWTarma #HGWJauja #HGWChupaca #HGWLaMerced #HGWChurcampa #HGWApurimac #HGWArequipa #HGWAyacucho #HGWCajamarca #HGWCallao #HGWCusco #HGWHuancavelica #HGWHuánuco #HGWIca #HGWJunín #HGWLaLibertad #HGWLambayeque #HGWLima #HGWLoreto #HGWMadreDeDios #HGWMoquegua #HGWPasco #HGWPiura #HGWPuno #HGWSanMartin #HGWTacna #HGWTumbes #HGWUcayali #HGWMéxico #HGWColombia #HGWBrasil #HGWPerú #HGWGuatemala #HGWElSalvador #HGWChile #HGWBolivia #HGWArgentina #HGWCostaRica #HGWPanamá #HGWEcuador #HGWElSalvador #HGWRepúblicaDominicana #HGWParaguay #HGWRusia #HGWReinoUnido #HGWAlemania #HGWFrancia #HGWItalia #HGWEspaña #HGWPolonia #HGWRumania #HGWPaisesBajos #HGWBélgica #HGWGrecia #HGWPortugal

Sustainable Living in America: Innovations and Insights


Explore the latest trends and developments in sustainable living across the United States with The Green Future. Our channel brings you in-depth coverage of eco-friendly innovations, renewable energy, sustainable fashion, and green technology. Join us as we highlight inspiring stories of environmental change, discuss the future of sustainability, and provide practical tips for living a more eco-conscious lifestyle. Stay informed and empowered with The Green Future, your go-to source for all things green in America.