The Flying Human Series


Do you remember? Crealitation is an empowering, musical fantasy series that looks back from the future and shares how human beings evolved to become a peaceful flying people called the Wons. Our evolutionary Movement spreads the light of love and wisdom by refusing to buy into the doom and gloom narrative of our times. Crealitation is The Art of Creating Reality. All our work teaches people how to create their reality (Create+Reality=Creality). We also produce plays, concerts, and events that bring people together to sing, dance, laugh and EVOLVE. All of our events are centered around the idea of freedom, empowerment and creating your reality because after all “if you don’t create your reality, your reality will create you” - Cassidy A. Maze

Unstoppable Music Mixes


Hello music lovers, My name is Abel (a.k.a. DJ Coconutjoe) and a I am a retired mobile/club disc jockey. I first created this page for family and friends who needed music for party events and/or gym workouts. But then I realized I could and should make music for you to. So if you don’t see your favorite genre; have no fear, different genre’s will be here (eventually). I will make all sorts of genre mixes. From dance to rock, rap and R/B, while covering decades of music from the 70’s thru the present. I hope you like the music choices; but if you don’t, let me know if you have any ideas for a new mix. Take care and a have a wonderful day…