Enlightened Talks


All about truth, joy, bliss and justice! Disclaimer for these videos The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. It does not offer medical advice. Viewers should make their own independent inquiries and judgments before acting on any information it contains. The video and/or its owners are not entering into a professional relationship with the viewer. Nor should the information provided be used as a substitute for needed care from a licensed health or mental health professional. These videos are not a regulated medical practice or a practice that diagnoses or treats illnesses of body or mind, though it may be a complement to such practices. It utilizes noninvasive muscle testing to uncover blockages in the body’s energy systems while assisting in the balance of the body. Testimonials and explanations in these videos do not constitute guarantees, warranties, or predictions of improvement. Enlightened Talks and its owners accrue no liability based on the viewer’s uses of these resources. These are for educational purposes only. Any procedure that frees energies that have been blocked may or may not cause mild reactions such as nausea, headaches, or temporary pains as the energies begin to move and reset themselves. While such reactions should be noted and common-sense assessments made, they often indicate that the procedures are working and benefits will persist after the discomfort has passed. It is also possible that a condition such as a cold or the flu was incubating, so it might appear that a cause-effect relationship was involved when it was actually a matter of coincidence.The viewer of this video assumes any and all risks associated with using information it contains, agreeing to hold harmless the Enlightened Talks, its owners, employees, agents, and/or volunteers from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, liability, loss, damage, and/or injury that may occur out of the use of this video.

Klimatická krize


⚡️ Kanál pro ty, kteří chtějí znát PRAVDU O KLIMATU. Lidé se stále častěji potýkají s přírodními anomáliemi. Světová média o rozsahu blížící se katastrofy mlčí. Na tomto kanálu se budeme zabývat největšími kataklyzmaty způsobené astronomickými procesy a jejich 12 000letým cyklem. ✅ Spolehlivé informace o klimatu ✅ Očití svědci přírodních katastrof ✅ Synchronizace kataklyzmat ✅ Průběh klimatických událostí ✅ Statistiky a analýzy ✅ Skutečné příčiny změny klimatu ✅ Cesty z klimatické krize Pokud jste byli svědky klimatických anomálií, pošlete prosím svá videa na info@creativesociety.cz Česká verze kanálu @ClimateCrisisWorld Telegram kanál Klimatická Krize 🌐 t.me/KlimatickaKrizeCzSk

Scalar Light


Welcome to the official ScalarLight.com Rumble channel! At Scalar Light, we harness the power of scalar energy to promote holistic health and wellness. Our innovative Scalar Light treatments are designed to enhance your overall well-being by targeting and balancing your body's energy fields. Join us to explore the fascinating world of scalar energy and discover how our unique protocols can help with a variety of health concerns, including pathogenic cleanses, chakra balancing, nutrient therapy, and more. Learn from our founder, Tom Paladino, as he shares insights into how Scalar Light works and provides real-life testimonials from those who have experienced the transformative effects of our treatments. Subscribe to stay updated on the latest developments in scalar energy technology, watch informative tutorials, and gain access to exclusive content that will guide you on your journey to better health. Experience the future of healing with Scalar Light. Start your wellness journey with us today!



A man that knows that this world is nothing as it appears or seems evil runs rampant and we are trying to figure out whether or not or if even we're in a real-life matrix, simulation we must remain vigilant and strong continue to fight for peace and prosperity for all!!! You think of yourselves as humans searching for a spiritual awakening, when in fact you are spiritual beings attempting to cope with a human awakening. Seeing yourselves from the perspective of the spirit within will help you to remember why you came here and what you came here to do!!!