Leader of KINGS


Helping men become better more wise versions of themselves one conversation at a time. I cover a verity of topics on this channel, each one I believe is essential for the growth of the man God created us to be. Everyone is born with a 👑 above thier heads that they have to grow tall enough to reach. You say you are kings, well... you are a king of yourself before anything else. Build your kingdom up 1st n then help another do the same. Wisdom is life & Life is wisdom. Don't forget to like, Comment n Subscribe. Much Love 💯

Be The Shining Leader in Your Life and Business


LEBE DEINE WAHRE MACHT, KRAFT & STÄRKE. BERUFUNG, VISION. MACH 'DEIN DING' DEIN PROBLEM? Gemobbt, nicht wertgeschätzt bzw. häufig übersehen? im Dauerstress, weil Hamsterrad und keine Zeit? dem Burn-Out nah, am Ende Deiner Kraft? voller Selbstzweifel? sie machen was sie wollen, egal, was Du machst und sagst? Irgendwie scheint grad alles ziemlich sinnlos? DEIN WUNSCH? Eigenes Leben leben - nicht was Vorgegebenes | #Enlastung #Berufung #Lebenssinn #Lebensfreude #Gesundheit #SinnImLeben #MeinDingmachen #Kriegsenkel #Lebensführung #Mobbing