Polar Editora: O Melhor do Esoterismo Clássico


Este é um canal da Polar Editora. Postamos vídeos exclusivos para o RUMBLE e também conteúdos de outras plataformas. A Polar Editorial iniciou as suas atividades em 1996 no bairro de Pinheiros em São Paulo/SP junto ao escritório de uma empresa dos familiares. Desde o início o foco foram os livros das grandes Tradições ocidentais ainda inéditos em língua portuguesa. Sempre priorizando obras de grande profundidade espiritual, escritas não por teóricos, mas por homens e mulheres que percorreram o caminho espiritual, pertencentes a uma das grandes sabedorias tradicionais. Todo o catálogo da Polar Editorial tem como objetivo demonstrar que a Sabedoria que muitos têm buscado nas religiões, filosofias e tradições orientais também estão presentes nas grandes obras e autores das tradições ocidentais, ou seja, em nossas próprias raízes culturais. Consideramos que essa Sabedoria foi apresentada ao mundo com diferentes roupagens, símbolos, nomes e formas, conforme o local, o momento histórico e o contexto socioambiental, sendo em essência a mesma em todos os tempos e lugares. A Polar entende que o seu trabalho extrapola as atividades comerciais de uma empresa comum: entende-se como uma instituição cultural e educacional, uma vez que o conjunto seus livros têm a força e intensidade necessárias para mudar uma cultura e mudar o futuro de uma nação. https://www.polareditorial.com.br

Pioggia rilassante


The sounds of rain and thunder are among the most popular relaxing sounds of nature because they promote sleep and make it easier to fall asleep. Also, the sound of rain can be considered as a relaxing natural white noise that helps clear and calm the mind. The black screen, which blocks out annoying light, creates the ideal environment for a good night's sleep. If you're having trouble falling asleep, ask yourself how to sleep well. To sleep well, the relaxing sounds of nature help us. The sound of rain or the sound of rain with its calming and sleep-inducing effect is particularly suitable for meditation, relaxation meditation or sleep meditation. This type of audio video is very effective for relaxing and getting back to sleep, fighting anxiety and stress-related insomnia and sleeping well thanks to the special calming effect of the sound of rain.

Beyond The Glass Slipper Podcast


Welcome to Beyond the Glass Slipper Podcast! Beautiful Friend, just because you're functional, doesn't mean you're ok. Past narcissistic abuse sabotaged how you see yourself, relate to God, and tackle important goals. You've been hurt, but YOU refuse to give up. We can help you use what you've been through to grow and win. In the Cinderella story, her real name was "Ella". The narcissist in Ella's life labeled her Cinder-Ella to make her believe she was nothing and nobody. We know you’re a unique somebody, called by God to make an impact in this world. CinderElla’s glass slipper was symbolic of stepping into her new life. You broke free of the narcissist and stand at the crossroads of a new journey, so how do you move down the right path? Beyond the Glass Slipper Podcast is your morning boost of insight and inspiration to help you take the next right steps and become the best version of yourself. It’s part of your CinderElla journey of transformation and triumph! Meet your hosts Annette Chesney and Wendy Ockers… Annette is an expert in narcissistic abuse recovery and creator of the CinderElla No More Coaching Program. She helps Christian businesswomen become their strongest, happiest, most successful self after narcissistic abuse. Wendy is an Executive Coach helping high achieving businesswomen restore balance, lead well, and thrive as they navigate difficult work environments.