

Most people think about life insurance solely as "death insurance".  If this is your belief, we've been where you are and we understand. As experienced estate planning attorneys (turned life insurance agents) who have helped thousands of people manage wealth and assets of all kinds, we started I&E in order to correct this limited understanding and offer people new hope through powerful alternatives and strategies that we learned about during our professional careers. Having viewed the impact of permanent "cash value" life insurance contracts on many families firsthand, our mission is to help as many people as possible realize that you don't have to rely solely on "conventional" financial advice to create wealth, fund your kids' college, or plan for retirement.  The simple fact is that permanent life insurance contracts and other contracts such as annuities are powerful top tier assets that serve as wealth protection and wealth building vehicles.  These assets offer numerous financial benefits such as tax savings, liquidity and leverage, which are regularly used by wealthy individuals, U.S. banks and corporations.  However, these assets and strategies are not just for the wealthy and using them correctly, with expert guidance, can give you the peace of mind that comes with predictable wealth building, even in the face of volatile financial markets. If you're here, we commend you because you are likely looking for a way to protect your loved ones and leave a legacy.  There is also a good chance that you may be fed up with conventional financial advice and are looking for other alternatives rather than the gambling wheel of Wall Street options. If all of this sounds interesting, connect with our Pro Team of experienced coaches to learn more about how all of this can work for you: https://www.insuranceandestates.com/proclientguide/introduction/ If you're an experienced insurance pro and are interested: Partner with us. http://bit.ly/2st12fC

Na Cozinha Com o Seila


Seja muito bem vindo ao canal 'Na Cozinha com o Seila'. Eu sou o Seilá, tenho mais de 40 anos de experiência com culinária. Aqui você vai ter acesso a muitas receitas salgadas e doces, fáceis, práticas e deliciosas, em especial a culinária árabe, aqui você aprenderá fazer, kibes, esfihas, coalhadas, moussaká (lasanha grega), falafel entre outras delicias. Publicamos vídeos semanais, e você pode utilizá-los para aprender mais e ficar um mestre na cozinha. Surpreenda seus familiares e amigos. E da pra fazer uma renda extra, é uma ótima opção para comercializar. Lembre de visitar nossas redes sociais Instagram Na Cozinha Com O Seila Página do Facebook Seila Gastronomia Arabe Qualquer dúvida conte comigo, é só chamar no whatsapp (16)99147-4746 Obrigado