Second Rate Saints


This podcast is produced by a small team of passionate, God fearing Christians who have no greater passion than to worship the Lord. However, we've never been to good at singing. Thankfully, the Lord has blessed us with a passion for learning, exploring the word of God, and asking the tough questions that so many never even think to ask. So if diving into the word of the Lord in a thoughtful, intellectual, and edifying way sounds interesting to you, come and tune in to our weekly discussion and hopefully you can learn something from these Second Rate Saints!

Christ Conscious Being


Welcome to the Conscious Being! Spiritual Research & Educational Power Institute. Bringing to you the conscious being and understanding of the KINGDOM, NATURE, PERSON, POWER AND AUTHORITY of Jesus Christ in ancient and eternal sounds, instrumental harmony, words, teaching, instructions prophecies, displays and grandeur. Grace to the Churches of God and Mercy to the people and nations which are around the world, which has obtained and those who greatly desire mercy in faith, and patience, and love unfeigned: Mercy and peace from God the Father who is the Lord Jesus Christ, "who is the Saviour of all men, specially of them that believe". How blessed and wonderful, beloved, are the gifts of God! - Life in immortality, - Splendour in righteousness, - Truth in perfect confidence, - Faith in assurance, - Self-control in holiness! And all these fall under the cognizance of our understandings

Ministério de Reconciliação Amados do Pai


Este ministério tem como principal objetivo restaurar e fortalecer a comunhão dos filhos com o Pai Celestial. Através do ensino e da pregação do Evangelho a igreja cresce e se fortalece no Senhor, sendo edificada pelo Espírito Santo no amor e na fé. Aquele que desceu é também o mesmo que subiu acima de todos os céus, para cumprir todas as coisas. E ele mesmo deu uns para apóstolos, e outros para profetas, e outros para evangelistas, e outros para pastores e doutores, Querendo o aperfeiçoamento dos santos, para a obra do ministério, para edificação do corpo de Cristo; Até que todos cheguemos à unidade da fé, e ao conhecimento do Filho de Deus, a homem perfeito, à medida da estatura completa de Cristo. Efésios 4:10-13